
Wednesday 17 January 2024

What are the directive Hook Arguments in Vuejs explain with example? 065

 What are the directive Hook Arguments in Vuejs explain with example?

In Vue.js, directive hook arguments provide additional information and options to your custom directives, enabling them to adapt their behavior dynamically based on various factors. They are passed to the directive's lifecycle functions (bind, inserted, update, unbind) and offer valuable data for customizing how the directive interacts with the element.

Here's a breakdown of the key directive hook arguments:

1. el:

  • Definition: Represents the element to which the directive is bound.

  • Usage: Allows direct manipulation of the DOM element through properties and methods like, el.addEventListener, etc.

2. binding:

  • Definition: An object containing information about the binding itself.

  • Properties:

  • name: The name of the directive without the v- prefix.

  • value: The value passed to the directive (can be a string, object, expression, etc.).

  • oldValue: Available in update and componentUpdated hooks, holding the previous value of the data used by the directive.

  • expression: The raw string expression used to bind the value, available in case you need the exact expression for more advanced logic.

  • arg: The argument passed to the directive after the colon (e.g., v-my-directive:large).

  • modifiers: An object containing any modifiers applied to the directive (e.g., .trim, .stop).

3. arg and modifiers:

  • arg: A string argument passed after the directive name and before any modifiers.

  • modifiers: Object containing boolean flags representing active modifiers applied to the directive (e.g., { trim: true, lazy: false }).

  • Usage: Both provide additional context and instructions for modifying the directive's behavior.


Let's consider a custom directive v-resize-text that changes the font size of an element based on a dynamic value, with possible modifiers .large and .small.


<div v-resize-text="fontSize" :large .small>This text will adjust its size.</div>

  • The binding.value in this case would be "fontSize" (the data value).

  • The arg would be "large" as it comes after the colon.

  • The modifiers object would have { large: true, small: true }.

Within the directive's hooks, you can access these arguments to update the element's style based on the value, arg, and modifiers:


Vue.directive('resize-text', {
  update(el, binding) {
    const fontSize = binding.value;
    if (binding.arg === 'large') {
      fontSize *= 1.5;
    } else if (binding.modifiers.small) {
      fontSize *= 0.8;
    } = `${fontSize}px`;

This example demonstrates how directive hook arguments inject contextual information and enable flexible behavior based on data changes, user input, and applied modifiers. By understanding and utilizing these arguments, you can create powerful and versatile custom directives in Vue.js.

Remember, always choose the appropriate arguments and modifiers for your specific needs and document their usage clearly within your code for better maintainability and clarity.

What are the hook functions provided by directives in Vuejs explain with example? 064

 What are the hook functions provided by directives in Vuejs explain with example?

Directives in Vue.js offer lifecycle hooks that provide access to different stages of their interaction with the DOM, allowing you to implement custom behavior and modify elements at specific points. Here are the key hook functions:

1. bind:

  • Trigger: Called once when the directive is first bound to the element.

  • Purpose: Used for one-time setup tasks.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('highlight', {
  bind(el) { = 'yellow'; // Apply initial highlighting

2. inserted:

  • Trigger: Called after the element is inserted into the DOM.

  • Purpose: Used for actions requiring the element's presence in the DOM.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('focus', {
  inserted(el) {
    el.focus(); // Focus the element after it's inserted

3. update:

  • Trigger: Called whenever the bound value or data changes.

  • Purpose: Used to update the element based on the new value.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('resize-text', {
  update(el, binding) { = binding.value + 'px'; // Adjust font size based on bound value

4. componentUpdated:

  • Trigger: Called after the component and its children have been updated.

  • Purpose: Used for actions requiring the latest state of the component.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('track-changes', {
  componentUpdated(el, binding) {
    console.log('Element value changed:', el.textContent);

5. unbind:

  • Trigger: Called before the directive is unbound from the element.

  • Purpose: Used for cleanup tasks.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('animate', {
  unbind(el) {
    el.classList.remove('animated'); // Remove animation class

Understanding these hooks is crucial for creating effective directives. Choose the appropriate hook for your specific needs and ensure the directive performs its intended behavior at the correct stage.

How do you register directives locally in Vuejs explain with example? 063

 How do you register directives locally in Vuejs explain with example?

Registering custom directives locally in Vue.js involves restricting their availability to a specific component, promoting modularity, maintainability, and preventing conflicts. Here's how to achieve this:

1. Define the Directive:

  • Create a JavaScript object that defines the directive's behavior using lifecycle hooks (like bind, inserted, update, unbind).


const myDirective = {
  bind(el, binding) {
    // Directive logic here
  // ... other lifecycle hooks

2. Register Locally:

Option A: Using the directives option:

  • Within your component's options object, define a directives property.

  • Assign the directive object (created in step 1) as a value to a key in this property.


export default {
  directives: {
  // ... other options

Option B: Using <script setup>:

  • If using <script setup> syntax, define the directive directly inside the <script setup> tag.

  • Variables prefixed with "v-" are automatically treated as directives.

Code snippet

<script setup>
const myDirective = {
  // ... directive definition

  <div v-my-directive>This text will be affected by the directive.</div>

3. Use the Directive:

  • Once registered locally, use the directive in the component's template with the v- prefix followed by the directive name.

  • Pass arguments or modifiers to customize its behavior.


  <div v-my-directive="color: 'red', width: '2px'">This text will have a red border.</div>

Benefits of Local Registration:

  • Modularity: Keeps directives localized to specific components, reducing global context pollution and improving code organization.

  • Reduced Conflicts: Avoids potential conflicts between directives with the same name across different components.

  • Clearer Code: Makes code more concise and easier to understand by associating directives with their specific use cases.

  • Enhanced Maintainability: Changes to a local directive only affect the specific component where it's used.