
Thursday, 8 February 2024

Angular interview questions and answers

 001 What Is Angular   watch text with audio

002. What are Angular advantages?   watch text with audio

003. What is the difference between AngularJS and Angular?   watch text with audio

004. What is NPM Angular ?   watch text with audio

005. What is CLI tool  Angular?   watch text with audio

006. What is Typescript? What are the advantages of Typescript over JavaScript Angular ?   watch text with audio

007. Where to store static files in Angular project ?   watch text with audio

008. What is the role of Angular.json file in Angular?   watch text with audio

009. What is the difference between JIT and AOT in Angular ?   watch text with audio

010 What are Components in Angular   watch text with audio

011. What is a Selector and Template Angular?     watch text with audio

012. What is Module in Angular? What is app.module.ts file?   watch text with audio

013.Angular App gets Loaded & Started? Define index.html,app-root,selector & main.ts?   watch text with audio

014. What is a Bootstrapped Module & Bootstrapped Component Angular?  watch text with audio

015. What iS Data Binding  Angular?   watch text with audio

016. What is String Interpolation in Angular?    watch text with audio

017. What is Property Binding in Angular?   watch text with audio

018. What is Event Binding in Angular?   watch text with audio

019. What is Two way Binding in Angular?   watch text with audio

020.What Are Directives ? What are the types of  Directives Angular?   watch text with audio 

021. What is *ngIf Structural directive Angular?   watch text with audio

022. What is *ng For Structural directive Angular?   watch text with audio

023. What is *ngSwitch Structural directive Angular?   watch text with audio

024. What is [ngStyle] Attribute directive Angular?   watch text with audio

025. What is  [ng Class]  Attribute directive Angular?   watch text with audio

026. Difference between Component, Attribute and Structural Directives Angular?  watch text with audio

027. What is Decorator Angular?   watch text with audio

028. What are the types of Decorator Angular?   watch text with audio

029. What are Pipes? What are the types of Pipes & Parameterized Pipes Angular?   watch text with audio

030. What is Chaining Pipes Angular?   watch text with audio

031. Explain Services with example Angular?   watch text with audio

032. How to create Servicein Angular?   watch text with audio

033. How to use Dependency Injector with Services in Angular?   watch text with audio

034. What is Hierarchical Dependency Injection Angular?   watch text with audio

035. What is Provider in Angular?   watch text with audio

036. What is the role of @Injectable Decorator in a Service Angular?   watch text with audio

037. What are Parent-child Components Angular?  watch text with audio

038.Define @Input Decorator ? How to transfer data from Parent to Child component Angular?  watch text with audio

039. What is @Output Decorator and Event Emitter Angular?    watch text with audio

040. What are Lifecycle Hooks in Angular?   watch text with audio

041. What is a Constructor in Angular?   watch text with audio

042. What is ng On Changes life cycle hook in Angular?   watch text with audio

043. What is ng On Init life cycle hook in Angular?   watch text with audio

044. What is the difference between constructor and ngOnInit Angular?  watch text with audio

045. What is Routing ? How to setup Routing Angular?  watch text with audio

046. What is router outlet Angular?   watch text with audio

047. What are router links Angular?    watch text with audio

048. What are Asynchronous operations Angular?   watch text with audio

049. What is the difference between Promise and Observable Angular?   watch text with audio

050. What is RxJS Angular?   watch text with audio

051. What is Observable? How to implement Observable Angular?   watch text with audio

052. What is the role of HttpClient in Angular?   watch text with audio

053. What are the steps for fetching the data with HttpClient & Observable Angular?   watch text with audio

054. How to do HTTP Error Handling in Angular ?   watch text with audio

055. What is Typescript, Difference Between Typescript And Java Script   watch text with audio 

056. How to install Typescript and check version ?   watch text with audio

057. What is the difference between let and var keyword Typescript ?  watch text with audio

058. What is Type annotation Typescript ?   watch text with audio

059.What are Built in /Primitive & User Defined /Non-primitive types in Typescript?   watch text with audio

061. What is Enum type in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

062. What is the difference between void and never types in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

063. What is Type Assertion in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

064. What are Arrow Functions in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

066. What are Classes and Objects in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

067. What is Constructor Typescript ?   watch text with audio

068. What are Access Modifiers in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

069. What is Encapsulation in Typescript?   watch text with audio

070. What is Inheritance in Typescript ?  watch text with audio

071. What is Polymorphism in Typescript ?  watch text with audio

072. What is Interface in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

073. What's the difference between extends and implements in TypeScript?   watch text with audio

074. Is Multiple Inheritance possible in Typescript ?   watch text with audio

075. What Are Angular Forms? Type of Angular Forms?   watch text with audio

076. What is the difference between Template Driven Forms & Reactive Forms  Angular  ?   watch text with audio

077. How to setup Template Driven Forms  Angular ?   watch text with audio

078. How to apply Required field validation in template driven forms  Angular ?   watch text with audio

079. What is Form Group and Form Control in Angular ?   watch text with audio

080. How to setup Reactive Forms  Angular ?   watch text with audio

081. How to do validations in reactive forms  Angular ?   watch text with audio

082. What is Authentication? Authorization in Angular?   watch text with audio

083. What is JWT Token Authentication in Angular ?   watch text with audio

084. How to Mock or Fake an API for JWT Authentication  Angular ?   watch text with audio

085. How to implement the Authentication with JWT in Angular ?   watch text with audio

086. What is Auth Guard  Angular ?   watch text with audio

087. What is HTTP Interceptor  Angular ?   watch text with audio

088. How to Retry automatically if there is an error response from API  Angular ?    watch text with audio

089. What are the parts of JWT Token  Angular ?   watch text with audio

090. What is Postman  Angular ?   watch text with audio

091. Which part of the request has the token stored when sending to API  Angular ?   watch text with audio

092. What are the various ways to communicate between the components  Angular ?   watch text with audio

093. What is Content Projection? What is <ng-content>  Angular ?   watch text with audio

094. What is Template Reference Variable in Angular ?   watch text with audio

095. What is the role of View Child in Angular?   watch text with audio

096. How to access the child component from parent component with View Child  Angular ?   watch text with audio

097. Difference between ViewChild and ViewChildren? What is QueryList  Angular ?   watch text with audio

098. What is Content Child   Angular ?   watch text with audio

099. What is the difference between Content Child & Content Children  Angular ?   watch text with audio

0100. Compare ng-Content,View Child, View Children, Content Child & Content Children  Angular ?   watch text with audio

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