
Saturday, 2 December 2023

Integer Data Types in PostgreSQL


Integer Data Types in PostgreSQL 

Integer data types in PostgreSQL are designed to store whole numbers, both positive and negative, including zero. They are commonly used for storing numerical data such as ages, counts, identifiers, and monetary values. PostgreSQL provides three primary integer data types:

  1. Smallint: This data type stores 2-byte integers, with a range of -32,768 to 32,767. It is suitable for storing smaller numerical values that fall within this range.

  2. Integer: This data type stores 4-byte integers, with a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. It is the most commonly used integer data type and is suitable for storing a wider range of numerical values.

  3. Bigint: This data type stores 8-byte integers, with a very large range that is unlikely to be exceeded in most applications. It is used for storing extremely large numerical values that exceed the range of the integer data type.

Choosing the Right Integer Data Type

The choice of integer data type depends on the range of values that your data is likely to hold. If you are confident that your data will always fall within the range of a smallint or integer, then use those data types to save storage space. However, if there is any possibility that your data could exceed those ranges, then use bigint to avoid errors.

Serial Data Type

The serial data type is a special type of integer that is used for auto-incrementing primary keys. Serial columns are automatically assigned unique values starting from 1. There are three types of serial data types:

  1. Smallserial: This data type stores 2-byte integers, with a range of 1 to 32,767.

  2. Serial: This data type stores 4-byte integers, with a range of 1 to 2,147,483,647.

  3. Bigserial: This data type stores 8-byte integers, with a very large range that is unlikely to be exceeded in most applications.

Considerations for Integer Data Types

  • Range: Make sure that the data type you choose can accommodate the range of values that your data is likely to hold.

  • Storage space: Use the smallest data type that can accommodate your data to save storage space.

  • Null values: Integer data types can store null values, indicating that no value is associated with a particular column in a table. Null values need to be handled appropriately in queries and data manipulations.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to create a table using integer data types in PostgreSQL:


CREATE TABLE customers (
  customer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  loyalty_points BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

In this example, the customers table has four columns:

  1. customer_id: The customer's ID, which is a unique identifier that is automatically generated by PostgreSQL using the serial data type.

  2. age: The customer's age, which is stored using the smallint data type.

  3. order_count: The customer's total number of orders, which is stored using the integer data type.

  4. loyalty_points: The customer's loyalty points, which is stored using the bigint data type.

By understanding the characteristics of integer data types and choosing the appropriate data type for your data, you can effectively manage integer data in PostgreSQL databases.

To insert data into the customers table, you can use the following INSERT statement:


INSERT INTO customers (age, order_count, loyalty_points)
VALUES (30, 5, 1000);

This statement will insert a new row into the customers table with the following values:

  • age: 30

  • order_count: 5

  • loyalty_points: 1000

You can repeat this statement to insert more data into the table. For example, to insert another row with the values age = 25, order_count = 3, and loyalty_points = 500, you would use the following statement:


INSERT INTO customers (age, order_count, loyalty_points)
VALUES (25, 3, 500);

You can also insert multiple rows of data at once using a single INSERT statement. For example, to insert the two rows of data from the previous examples, you would use the following statement:


INSERT INTO customers (age, order_count, loyalty_points)
VALUES (30, 5, 1000),
      (25, 3, 500);

This statement will insert both rows of data into the customers table.

Here are some common interview questions and answers about integer data types in PostgreSQL:

1. What are the three primary integer data types in PostgreSQL?

A: The three primary integer data types in PostgreSQL are:

  1. Smallint: Stores 2-byte integers, with a range of -32,768 to 32,767.

  2. Integer: Stores 4-byte integers, with a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

  3. Bigint: Stores 8-byte integers, with a very large range that is unlikely to be exceeded in most applications.

2. When would you use a Smallint data type?

A: You would use a Smallint data type when you know that your data will always fall within the range of -32,768 to 32,767. This is useful for storing data such as ages, counts, or small identifiers.

3. When would you use an Integer data type?

A: You would use an Integer data type when you need to store a wider range of numerical values than a Smallint can accommodate. This is the most common integer data type and is suitable for storing data such as counts, monetary values, or medium-sized identifiers.

4. When would you use a Bigint data type?

A: You would use a Bigint data type when you need to store very large numerical values that exceed the range of the Integer data type. This is typically used for storing data such as population counts, financial transactions, or extremely large identifiers.

5. What is the Serial data type used for?

A: The Serial data type is a special type of integer that is used for auto-incrementing primary keys. Serial columns are automatically assigned unique values starting from 1. This is useful for creating unique identifiers for records in a table.

6. What are some considerations when using integer data types?

A: Some important considerations when using integer data types include:

  1. Range: Make sure that the data type you choose can accommodate the range of values that your data is likely to hold.

  2. Storage space: Use the smallest data type that can accommodate your data to save storage space.

  3. Null values: Integer data types can store null values, indicating that no value is associated with a particular column in a table. Null values need to be handled appropriately in queries and data manipulations.

By understanding the characteristics of integer data types and choosing the appropriate data type for your data, you can effectively manage integer data in PostgreSQL databases.