
Monday 20 November 2023

How to change Date & Time of the System through the Command Prompt


How to change Date & Time of the System through the Command Prompt

, here are the steps on how to change the date and time of the system through the Command Prompt:

  1. Open the Command Prompt. To do this, type cmd into the Start menu search bar and press Enter.

  2. To change the date, type the following command into the Command Prompt and press Enter:

date mm-dd-yyyy

Replace mm-dd-yyyy with the new date you want to set. For example, to set the date to October 4, 2023, you would type:

date 10-04-2023

  1. To change the time, type the following command into the Command Prompt and press Enter:

time hh:mm:ss AM/PM

Replace hh:mm:ss AM/PM with the new time you want to set. For example, to set the time to 12:30 PM, you would type:

time 12:30:00 PM

The date and time will be changed immediately. You can verify the new date and time by typing the following commands into the Command Prompt and pressing Enter:


Here is an example of how to change the date and time of the system to October 4, 2023, at 12:30 PM:

date 10-04-2023
time 12:30:00 PM

The Command Prompt will display the following message:

The current date is: Tue 10-04-2023
The current time is: 12:30:00 PM

The date and time of the system has been changed successfully.

What is cmd


what is cmd

CMD, or Command Prompt, is the command-line interface (CLI) of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides a text-based interface for interacting with the operating system and performing various tasks. CMD is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Automating tasks: CMD commands can be used to create scripts and batch files that automate tasks, such as backing up files, running updates, or managing user accounts.

  • Troubleshooting: CMD can be used to troubleshoot problems with the operating system, such as network connectivity issues or software conflicts.

  • Accessing advanced features: CMD can be used to access advanced features of the operating system that are not available through the graphical user interface (GUI).

Here are some of the basic commands that can be used in CMD:

  • cd: Change directory

  • dir: List the contents of a directory

  • mkdir: Create a new directory

  • rmdir: Delete an empty directory

  • copy: Copy files or directories

  • move: Move files or directories

  • del: Delete files or directories

  • ren: Rename files or directories

  • echo: Display text to the console

  • pause: Pause the execution of commands

  • exit: Exit CMD

There are many other CMD commands available, and you can find a complete list of commands in the CMD help system.

Here are some examples of how CMD can be used:

  • To create a script that backs up your files to an external hard drive, you could use the following commands:

mkdir Backup
copy C:\MyDocuments C:\Backup

  • To troubleshoot a network connectivity issue, you could use the following command:


  • To access the advanced features of the Registry Editor, you could use the following command:


CMD is a versatile tool that can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks. It is a valuable skill to learn for anyone who wants to be more proficient in using Windows.

What are the merging strategies in mixins in Vuejs explain with example?


Mixins are a powerful tool in Vue.js development, allowing you to share common code patterns and functionalities across multiple components. When using mixins, it's important to understand the merging strategies that Vue.js employs to combine mixin options with component options. These strategies ensure that conflicts are resolved and that options are merged in a consistent and predictable manner.

Default Merging Strategy

Vue.js uses a default merging strategy for handling conflicts when mixin and component options overlap. This strategy prioritizes component options over mixin options, ensuring that the component's behavior takes precedence. For example, if a mixin and a component both define a data property, Vue.js will merge the two objects by recursively combining them. If there's a conflict, the component's property will take precedence.


// mixin.js
export default {
  data: {
    message: 'Hello from mixin!'

// component.js
import mixin from './mixin.js';

export default {
  mixins: [mixin],
  data: {
    message: 'Hello from component!'

In this example, the component's data property will override the mixin's data property, resulting in the component displaying the message "Hello from component!".

Hook Function Merging

Hook functions with the same name are merged into an array so that all of them will be called in the order they are defined. This allows you to chain multiple hook functions together, extending the component's behavior without modifying its original code. Mixin hook functions are called before the component's own hooks.


// mixin.js
export default {
  created: function() {
    console.log('Mixin hook called');

// component.js
import mixin from './mixin.js';

export default {
  mixins: [mixin],
  created: function() {
    console.log('Component hook called');

In this example, both the mixin's created hook and the component's created hook will be called when the component is created, resulting in the following output:

Mixin hook called
Component hook called

Custom Merging Strategies

You can also define custom merging strategies for specific options. This is useful when you want to control how Vue.js merges mixin and component options for a particular option. To define a custom merging strategy, you need to add a property to the Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies object.


Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.myOption = function(mixinOption, componentOption) {
  // Custom merging logic here
  return mergedOption;

This custom merging strategy will be used for the myOption option whenever a mixin and a component both define this option.


Mixin merging strategies in Vue.js provide a flexible and consistent approach to combining mixin and component options. The default merging strategy prioritizes component options, while hook functions are merged into an array for chaining behavior. Custom merging strategies can be defined for specific options to control how they are merged. By understanding and utilizing these strategies effectively, you can build more maintainable and reusable Vue.js applications.



Sure, here are some potential interview questions and answers for the above prompt:

Q: Explain the different merging strategies used when combining mixins and component options in Vue.js.

A: Vue.js employs two primary merging strategies for combining mixin and component options:

  1. Default Merging Strategy: This strategy prioritizes component options over mixin options. If a mixin and a component define the same option, the component's option will take precedence. This ensures that the component's behavior remains in control.

  2. Hook Function Merging: For hook functions with the same name, Vue.js merges them into an array. When the component undergoes a lifecycle event, all the merged hook functions are called in the order they are defined. This allows for chaining multiple hook functions together, extending component behavior without modifying its original code.

Q: What are the benefits of using custom merging strategies for mixins in Vue.js?

A: Custom merging strategies provide fine-grained control over how specific options are combined during mixin integration. This can be particularly useful when dealing with complex or custom options that require specific merging logic.

Q: Provide an example of when you might use a custom merging strategy for a mixin in Vue.js.

A: Consider a mixin that provides additional functionality for routing transitions. To ensure that the mixin's transition behavior doesn't override the component's original transition settings, you could define a custom merging strategy for the transition option.

Q: How can you ensure that custom merging strategies are used correctly and consistently in a Vue.js project?

A: To promote consistent and effective use of custom merging strategies, consider implementing the following practices:

  1. Clear Documentation: Document the custom merging strategies clearly, explaining their purpose, usage, and potential impact on component behavior.

  2. Code Review and Testing: Implement code review processes and thorough testing to identify and address potential issues in custom merging strategies, ensuring they function as intended and produce the desired behavior.

  3. Community Sharing and Feedback: Encourage developers to share custom merging strategies with the community, seeking feedback and refining their code for broader adoption and collaboration.

By following these practices, you can foster a culture of responsible and effective custom merging strategy usage within a Vue.js project, enhancing code maintainability, consistency, and overall project quality.

How do you use mixins in CLI in Vuejs explain with example?


Using mixins in Vue.js CLI involves creating a mixin file, defining the reusable code logic, and importing and mixing it into the components that require its functionality.

Creating the Mixin File:

  1. Create a new JavaScript file, typically named after the mixin itself. For instance, if you're creating a mixin for data fetching, you might call it dataFetcherMixin.js.

  2. Inside the mixin file, define a JavaScript object that represents the mixin's functionality. This object will typically contain methods, properties, and options for customizing the mixin's behavior.


export default {
  methods: {
    fetchData() {
      // Fetch data from an API and handle the response
      return axios.get('')
        .then(response =>
        .catch(error => console.error(error));

Importing and Mixing in Components:

  1. In the component's JavaScript file, import the mixin file using the require or import statement.


import dataFetcherMixin from './dataFetcherMixin.js';

  1. In the component's options object, add the mixin to the mixins array.


export default {
  mixins: [dataFetcherMixin],
  mounted() {
    this.fetchData().then(data => { = data;

Example Usage:

Consider a scenario where you have a UserListComponent that needs to fetch user data from an API. You can create a userDataFetcherMixin and mix it into the UserListComponent to reuse the data fetching logic.


// dataFetcherMixin.js
export default {
  methods: {
    fetchUserData() {
      return axios.get('')
        .then(response =>
        .catch(error => console.error(error));

// UserListComponent.js
import dataFetcherMixin from './dataFetcherMixin.js';

export default {
  mixins: [dataFetcherMixin],
  mounted() {
    this.fetchUserData().then(users => {
      this.users = users;

By using mixins in Vue.js CLI, you can effectively reuse common code patterns, promote consistency, and enhance the maintainability of your application's codebase.

Sure, here are some potential interview questions and answers for the above prompt:

Q: Explain the process of using mixins in Vue.js CLI.

A: Using mixins in Vue.js CLI involves creating a mixin file, defining the reusable code logic, and importing and mixing it into the components that require its functionality. The mixin file is typically a JavaScript file containing an object that defines the mixin's methods, properties, and options. The mixin is then imported into the component's JavaScript file and added to the mixins array in the component's options object. This allows the component to access and utilize the functionality provided by the mixin.

Q: What are the benefits of using mixins in Vue.js CLI?

A: Mixins offer several advantages in Vue.js CLI development:

  • Code Reusability: Mixins promote code reusability by encapsulating common code patterns and functionalities into reusable modules, reducing code duplication and enhancing maintainability.

  • Separation of Concerns: Mixins allow you to separate common logic from component-specific code, improving code organization and making components more focused on their core functionality.

  • Consistent Behavior: Mixins can enforce consistent behavior across components by providing shared logic for common tasks, ensuring that components handle specific operations in a uniform manner.

  • Extendable Functionality: Mixins can be used to extend the functionality of existing components without modifying their original code, allowing you to add new features or behavior without affecting the component's core implementation.

Q: What are some considerations when creating or using mixins in Vue.js CLI?

A: When creating or using mixins in Vue.js CLI, consider the following aspects:

  • Purpose and Scope: Clearly define the mixin's purpose and the specific functionalities it provides, ensuring it addresses a well-defined need and offers clear value to components.

  • Code Organization: Structure the mixin's code logically, using descriptive method names, documentation, and comments to enhance readability and maintainability.

  • Compatibility and Testing: Ensure the mixin's code is compatible with different Vue.js versions and other dependencies, thoroughly testing it to prevent conflicts or unexpected behavior.

  • Overuse and Complexity: Avoid overusing mixins or creating overly complex mixins. Use mixins judiciously to maintain code clarity and avoid introducing excessive dependencies.

Q: Provide an example of how mixins can be used in Vue.js CLI to enhance component behavior.

A: Consider a mixin that provides common validation logic for user input fields. This mixin would encapsulate methods for checking input validity, displaying error messages, and handling form submission. By using this mixin across multiple components that require input validation, you can ensure consistent and reusable validation behavior.

Q: How can you ensure that mixins are used effectively in a Vue.js CLI project?

A: To ensure the effective use of mixins in a Vue.js CLI project, consider implementing the following practices:

  • Define Clear Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines for creating and using mixins, specifying naming conventions, documentation standards, and testing procedures.

  • Code Review and Testing: Implement code review processes and thorough testing to identify and address potential issues in mixins, ensuring their compatibility and adherence to project standards.

  • Community Sharing and Feedback: Encourage developers to share mixins they create with the community, seeking feedback and refining their code for broader use and adoption.

By following these practices, you can promote consistent, maintainable, and effective utilization of mixins within a Vue.js CLI project, enhancing the overall codebase structure and reusability.