Here are some common MS-DOS commands and their uses:
Changing Directories
cd <directory>: Changes the current directory to the specified directory. For example, cd Documents would change the current directory to the "Documents" folder.
cd..: Moves one level up in the directory tree. For example, if you are currently in the "My Documents" folder, typing cd.. would move you to the parent folder, which is typically your user directory.
cd\: Returns to the root directory of the current drive.
Changing Drives
<drive>: Switches to the specified drive. For example, C: would switch to the C drive, and D: would switch to the D drive.
Clearing the Screen
cls: Clears the contents of the Command Prompt window.
Exiting the Command Prompt
exit: Closes the Command Prompt window.
These are just a few of the many MS-DOS commands available. For a complete list of commands and their options, type help in the Command Prompt window.
Additional Helpful Commands
dir: Displays the contents of the current directory.
copy: Copies files or directories.
move: Moves files or directories.
del: Deletes files or directories.
ren: Renames files or directories.
format: Formats a disk or removable drive.
chkdsk: Checks the disk for errors and repairs any that are found.
fdisk: Partitions a disk or removable drive.
sys: Copies the MS-DOS system files to a disk or removable drive.
scannow: Scans the system for errors and repairs any that are found.
I hope this helps!