
Sunday 7 January 2024

What is 1C Programming language , who developed and when, Example Codehello world and addition of 2 numbers program

What is 1C Programming language , who developed and when, Example Codehello world and addition of 2 numbers program

1C:Enterprise is a comprehensive platform for developing and deploying business applications, rather than a standalone programming language. It encompasses a visual development environment, a database management system, a built-in programming language (1C:Enterprise Script), and various business-oriented tools.

How to implement embedded reports in Power BI? Power BI interview questions and answers 300

How to implement embedded reports in Power BI?

Here's a comprehensive guide on implementing embedded reports in Power BI:

1. Choose the Right Approach:

  • Publish to web (public): For quick and easy embedding, but has limitations for security and data sensitivity.

  • Embed in apps and websites: More control and customization options, suitable for integrating reports within your own applications.

2. Generate Embed Code:

  • Publish to web: Click "File" > "Publish to web (public)" and configure settings.

  • Embed in apps: Click "File" > "Embed in a website or portal" and customize options.

  • Copy the generated embed code from the dialog box.

3. Integrate Code into Your Application:

  • Paste the embed code into the appropriate section of your web page or application's HTML code.

  • Adjust sizing and styling as needed using CSS or JavaScript to match your application's design.

4. Configure Security and Access:

  • Manage permissions: Set appropriate view and edit permissions for users within the Power BI service.

  • Protect sensitive data: Consider row-level security (RLS) or data masking for sensitive content.

5. Customize User Experience:

  • Filters and slicers: Control which data users see by embedding filters and slicers with the report.

  • Navigation and interactivity: Enable specific navigation features and interactivity options as needed.

  • Theme and branding: Customize the report's appearance to match your application's branding.

6. Manage Refresh and Updates:

  • Set refresh schedule: Ensure data stays up-to-date by setting a refresh schedule in the Power BI service.

  • Manage versions: Track report changes and updates within the Power BI service.

Additional Considerations:

  • License requirements: Embedded reports typically require Power BI Pro or Premium licenses for users viewing them.

  • Performance optimization: Consider caching and performance tuning techniques for large datasets or high usage scenarios.

  • Development tools: Utilize JavaScript APIs for advanced control and customization of embedded reports.

By following these steps and addressing considerations, you can effectively embed Power BI reports within your applications, providing seamless access to insights for your users.

How to import the data on the Power BI desktop? Power BI interview questions and answers 299

 How to import the data on the Power BI desktop?

Here's a comprehensive guide on importing data into Power BI Desktop:

1. Access Data Source Options:

  • Home tab: Click "Get Data" to view available data sources.

  • Common sources: Excel, CSV, databases (SQL Server, MySQL, etc.), text files, online services (Azure, Salesforce, Google Analytics), and more.

2. Select Data Source:

  • Choose the appropriate data source category and connector for your data.

  • Follow the prompts for each connector to provide connection details (e.g., file path, server address, authentication).

3. Load or Transform Data:

  • Load: Click "Load" to bring data directly into Power BI without transformations.

  • Transform: Click "Transform data" to open Power Query Editor for data shaping and cleaning before loading.

4. Navigate Power Query Editor (if chosen):

  • Apply transformations: Use the ribbon tabs and options to clean, shape, and organize data.

  • Preview changes: Use the preview pane to visualize modifications.

5. Load Data into Power BI:

  • Close & Apply: Click this button when satisfied with transformations to load data into the Power BI model.

Additional Tips:

  • Data preview: Preview data before loading to ensure it's correct.

  • Data types: Verify data types are accurate for proper analysis.

  • Relationships: Manage relationships between tables if applicable.

  • Refresh: Set up a refresh schedule to keep data up-to-date.

  • Performance optimization: Consider query folding and data modeling techniques for large datasets.

Specific steps may vary slightly depending on the chosen data source, but these general guidelines apply to most importing scenarios in Power BI Desktop.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about importing data from specific sources or using data transformation features!

How to perform query tasks on the Power BI desktop? Power BI interview questions and answers 298

 How to perform query tasks on the Power BI desktop?

Here's a guide on performing query tasks in Power BI Desktop:

1. Access Power Query Editor:

  • Home tab: Click "Transform data" to open the Power Query Editor.

  • Right-click query: In the Queries pane, right-click on a query and choose "Edit query".

2. Apply Transformations:

  • Transform tab: Contains a wide range of transformations to shape and clean your data.

  • Common transformations:

  • Rename columns: Double-click on column headers to rename.

  • Remove columns: Right-click on a column and choose "Remove".

  • Change data types: Select a column, go to the "Home" tab, and choose the appropriate data type.

  • Filter rows: Click the filter icon on a column header and apply conditions.

  • Sort data: Click the sort icon on a column header to sort ascending or descending.

3. Shape Data:

  • Remove duplicates: Go to the "Remove Rows" tab and choose "Remove Duplicates".

  • Split columns: Use options like "By delimiter" or "By number of characters" to split columns.

  • Merge columns: Use the "Merge Columns" or "Append Queries" options to combine data.

  • Pivot data: Use the "Pivot Column" or "Unpivot Columns" options to reshape data.

4. Manage Relationships:

  • Manage Relationships: Click this button in the Home tab to view and manage relationships between tables.

  • Create relationships: Drag a field from one table to a related field in another table to create a relationship.

5. Apply Advanced Transformations:

  • Custom formulas: Use the "Add Column" tab to create custom columns with formulas and expressions.

  • Conditional logic: Use the "Conditional Column" option to create columns based on conditions.

  • Group and aggregate: Use the "Group By" option to create summary tables.

6. Load Data:

  • Once satisfied: Click "Close & Apply" to load the transformed data into the Power BI model.

Additional Tips:

  • Preview data: Use the preview pane to visualize changes as you apply transformations.

  • Document steps: Use the "Applied Steps" pane to track and manage your query steps.

  • Optimize performance: Consider query folding and data modeling for efficient data processing.

  • Best practices: Explore online resources and tutorials for more advanced query techniques.

Power Query Editor provides a powerful and versatile environment for shaping and preparing your data before building visualizations in Power BI. By mastering its features, you can ensure the quality and accuracy of your data analysis.

How to publish a dashboard in Power BI? Power BI interview questions and answers 297

 How to publish a dashboard in Power BI?

Publishing a dashboard in Power BI involves two main steps: preparing the dashboard for sharing and choosing the desired publishing method. Here's a breakdown:


  1. Optimize visualizations: Ensure your visuals are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the desired insights. Consider accessibility and color contrasts.

  2. Test interactions: Verify all filters, slicers, and navigation elements work as intended and provide a seamless user experience.

  3. Add documentation: Include text annotations, titles, and descriptions to guide users through the dashboard and understand the context of the data.

  4. Clean data and calculations: Double-check your data sources and calculations for accuracy and avoid sharing misleading or incorrect information.

Publishing methods:

  1. Sharing within Power BI Service:

  • This is the simplest method for sharing with colleagues or team members within your organization.

  • Click the "Share" button on the dashboard and enter email addresses or usernames.

  • Choose between read, read and share, or edit access permissions.

  1. Embed in Apps and Websites:

  • Ideal for integrating the dashboard within your own applications or websites.

  • Click the "Embed" button in the dashboard header and configure desired filtering and navigation settings.

  • Generate and copy the embed code and paste it into your platform.

  1. Share with External Users:

  • Requires a Power BI Pro or Premium license to share beyond your organization.

  • Click the "Share" button and choose "Invite external users."

  • Enter external email addresses, select appropriate permissions, and send invitations.

  1. Publish Publicly:

  • Use this method cautiously, as it grants public access to your data.

  • Click the "File" menu > "Publish to web (public)" and configure privacy settings.

  • Share the generated URL publicly.

Additional tips:

  • Consider audience and access: Choose the sharing method that best suits your audience and desired level of access control.

  • Branding and customization: You can customize the header and footer of the published dashboard with your logo and branding elements.

  • Monitor and update: Keep an eye on published dashboards and refresh them regularly to ensure data is up-to-date.

Remember, the optimal publishing method and considerations will depend on your specific context, data sensitivity, and audience needs.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific publishing scenarios or security considerations in Power BI!

How to publish Power BI reports to the Web ? Power BI interview questions and answers 296

 How to publish Power BI reports to the Web ?

Publishing Power BI reports to the web is a great way to share your insights with a wider audience, even without Power BI licenses for everyone. Here's how you can do it:

1. Access the "Publish to web" feature:

  • Open the Power BI Desktop report you want to publish.

  • Go to the "File" menu and choose "Publish to web (public)" or "Publish to web".

  • Choose "Publish to web (public)" if you want anyone with the URL to access the report.

  • Choose "Publish to web" if you want to control access with Azure Active Directory (AAD) identities.

2. Configure settings and embed code:

  • A pop-up window will appear with various settings and options. Configure them according to your needs:

  • Privacy: Choose "Public" for anyone to access, or "Specific people or groups" to use AAD identities.

  • Navigation: Enable or disable features like filters, slicers, and bookmarks.

  • Refresh schedule: Set how often the report data refreshes automatically.

  • Once configured, click "Publish".

  • Power BI will generate an embed code snippet.

3. Share the embed code:

  • Copy the embed code snippet.

  • Paste the code into any web page, blog post, social media platform, or other online platform where you want to display the report.

Additional Tips:

  • Preview before publishing: Click "Preview" in the "Publish to web" window to see how the report will look and interact before going live.

  • Branding and customization: You can customize the header and footer of the published report with your logo and branding elements.

  • Security considerations: Use caution when publishing reports with sensitive data. Consider using "Specific people or groups" access control with AAD for secure sharing.

  • Monitor and update: Keep an eye on the published report performance and refresh schedule. Update the report in Power BI Desktop and republish the changes when needed.

By following these steps and applying the tips, you can effectively publish your Power BI reports to the web and share valuable insights with a wider audience.

Remember, depending on your Power BI license type and organizational policies, there might be limitations on data security and features available for public web publishing. Be sure to adjust your approach and settings accordingly.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific aspects of publishing Power BI reports to the web.