
Thursday, 14 December 2023

Power bi 600 + interview questions and answers

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1 Why use selection pane in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

2 Why use Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

3 What is general formatting in Power BI?   Watch Text With Audio

4 Why might you have a table in the model without any relationships to other tables in power bi  Watch Text With Audio

5 Why can't I use TOP N filters on the entire report or just a page in Power BI?  Watch Text With Audio

6 Why is DAX so important in Power BI?  Watch Text With Audio

7 Why do we need Power Query when Power Pivot can import from mostly used sources Watch Text With Audio

8 Why and how would you use a custom visual file in power bi  Watch Text With Audio

9 Which programming language is used in Power Query   Watch Text With Audio

10 Which Power BI visual is ideal for estimating execution against an objective   Watch Text With Audio

11 Which is faster among slicer and filter in power bi   Watch Text With Audio

12 Which In-memory Analytics Engine is used in Power Pivot   Watch Text With Audio

13 Which filter level is analogous to the slicer in a report on the Power BI desktop    Watch Text With Audio

14 Where is the data stored in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

15 Where incremental licensing refresh feature is accessible Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

16 Where do you reshape data in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

17 Where do you find Q&A highlight in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

18 What’s the use for x-Velocity in Power Pivot     Watch Text With Audio

19 What’s the main purpose of using the Calculate function in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

20 What's the difference between a standard and a personal gateway in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

21 What's the difference between a report and a dashboard in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

22 What visual would you need to use to show solitary esteem in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

23 What types of data types are available in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

24 What occurs after clicking a single data point in one of the multiple visuals under a report in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

25 What language does Power BI use    Watch Text With Audio

26 What kinds of views are present in Power BI Desktop    Watch Text With Audio

27 What kind of data can you store in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

28 What is z-order in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

29 What is your go-to DAX function for time intelligence  Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

30 What is xVelocity in-memory analytics engine used in Power Pivot   Watch Text With Audio

31 What is X-speed in-memory investigation motor used for Power Pivot   Watch Text With Audio

32 What is Workspace in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

33 What is vlookup in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

34 What is understood by the common table function in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

35 What is the use of the split function in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

36 What is the use of the “Get Data” icon in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

37 What is the use of statewith function in  Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

38 What is the use of sensitivity labels in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

39 What is the use of MID function in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

40 What is the use of INDEX Function in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

41 What is the use of ENDSWITH function in  Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

42 What is the use of content packs in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

43 What is the TopN and RankX function in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

44 What is the Time Intelligence function in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

45 What is the SIGN function in  Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

46 What is the process to refresh Power BI reports when it is uploaded into the cloud   Watch Text With Audio

47 What is the primary requirement for a table to be used in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

48 What is the Power Map in  Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

49 What is the Power BI Service   Watch Text With Audio

50 What is the Power BI Publisher for Excel   Watch Text With Audio

51 What is the parameter in power bi   Watch Text With Audio

52 What is the option to unpivot data in the question proofreader in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

53 What is the only prerequisite for connecting to a database in Azure SQL Database  Watch Text With Audio

54 What is the need of signing up with a business email in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

55 What is the need for Streaming Dataset or Data Streaming when we have a browser refresh every half an hour in Power BI Premium   Watch Text With Audio

56 What is the need for a real-time Streaming Dataset Explain some scenarios   Watch Text With Audio

57 What is the meaning of the term data alerts in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

58 What is the maximum data limit per client for the free version of Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

59 What is the master table in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

60 What is the major difference between the old version and a new version of Power BI tool   Watch Text With Audio

61 What is the major difference between a Filter and a Slicer in  Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

62 What is the main difference between LTRIM and RTRIM Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

63 What is the M dialect capacity to sort a segment in inquiry supervisor   Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

64 What is the incremental refresh in the context of Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

65 What is the Embed Code in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

66 What is the difference between the Power BI dashboard and report   Watch Text With Audio

67 What is the difference between the measure and the calculated column   Watch Text With Audio

68 What is the difference between Power BI, Power Query, and Power Pivot  Watch Text With Audio

69 What is the difference between Power BI vs Tableau   Watch Text With Audio

70 What is the difference between Power BI and Power BI Pro   Watch Text With Audio

71 What is the difference between object-level and row-level security   Watch Text With Audio

72 What is the difference between MSBI and Power BI   Watch Text With Audio 

73 What is the difference between Managed Enterprise BI and Self-service BI in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

74 What is the difference between Distinct() and Values() in DAX   Watch Text With Audio

75 What is the difference between Direct Query and SQL Server import in   Watch Text With Audio

76 What is the difference between DAX functions, expressions, and variables   Watch Text With Audio

77 What is the difference between Calculated Columns, Calculated Tables, and Measures   Watch Text With Audio

78 What is the difference between a personal getaway and an on-premise gateway under power BI   Watch Text With Audio

79 What is the difference between a new column and a new measure in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

80 What is the difference between a Filter and a Slicer  in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

81 What is the DATEPART function  in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

82 What is the data source filter  in Power BI      Watch Text With Audio

83 What is the data protection matrix report in Power BI security     Watch Text With Audio

84 What is the current version of Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

85 What is the CORR function in Power BI, and when is it used    Watch Text With Audio

86 What is the comprehensive working system of Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

87 What is the common table function for grouping data in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

88 What is the CALCULATE function in DAX    Watch Text With Audio

89 What is the advanced editor    Watch Text With Audio

90 What is special or unique about the CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE functions   Watch Text With Audio

91 What is Slicer in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

92 What is self-service in Power BI or  Self Service Business Intelligence   Watch Text With Audio

93 What is Row-level security in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

94 What is query folding in Power Query   Watch Text With Audio

95 What is query collapsing in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

96 What is Power View   Watch Text With Audio

97 What is Power Query, and what is it used for in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

98 What is Power Pivot, and what are the filter writes in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

99 What is Power Pivot Data Model  Watch Text With Audio

100 What is Power Map  Watch Text With Audio

101 What is Power BI-Embedded   Watch Text With Audio

102 What is Power BI in Office-365   Watch Text With Audio

103 What is Power BI Desktop  Watch Text With Audio

104 What is Power BI Designer   Watch Text With Audio

105 What is Power BI DAX style   Watch Text With Audio

106 What is Power BI Data Gateway How can we use it   Watch Text With Audio

107 What is Power BI Dashboard   Watch Text With Audio

108 What is Power BI Cloud   Watch Text With Audio

109 What is on-premise gateway in Power Bi   Watch Text With Audio

110 What is OData feed in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

111 What is natural language search choice in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

112 What is meant by Row-level security  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

113 What is meant by paginated reports  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio 

114 What is MDX in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

115 What is M language or M-code  in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

116 What is Lock Aspect in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

117 What is KPI in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

118 What is IFNULL function  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

119 What is grouping How can you use it  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

120 What is GetData in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

121 What is Forecast in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

122 What is Drill through in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

123 What is drill down in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

124 What is DAX What are the benefits of using variables in DAX   Watch Text With Audio

125 What is Dax Function that is used in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

126 What is data alert, and how are they used  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

127 What is Custom Visuals  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

128 What is content packs  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

129 What is cardinality  in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

130 What is calculate in DAX   Watch Text With Audio

131 What is Bookmark in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

132 What is bidirectional cross-filtering in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

133 What is an index column, and what’s the use for it  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio 

134 What is Advanced Editor in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

135 What is a summarize function in DAX   Watch Text With Audio

136 What is a Slicer  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

137 What is a Report in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

138 What is a Power Query   Watch Text With Audio

139 What is a parameter in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

140 What is a legend in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

141 What is a dashboard in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

142 What is a comprehensive working system of Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

143 What is a calculated column in Power BI and why would you use them  Watch Text With Audio

144 What information we need to have to create a map in Power Map  Watch Text With Audio

145 What happens when you click the Infocus mode of a tile on the PowerBI dashboard on the browser  Watch Text With Audio

146 What happens when you click on a single data point in one of the multiple visuals in a report   Watch Text With Audio

147 What gateways does Power BI have and why should you use them   Watch Text With Audio

148 What exactly is Self-service BI   Watch Text With Audio

149 What does rank() do in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

150 What does DATENAME function  in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

151 What does DATEDIFF function do calculated column    Watch Text With Audio

152 What does Bi-directional cross filtering in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

153 What does anti-join mean calculated column    Watch Text With Audio

154 What does a SUMX function do calculated column   Watch Text With Audio

155 What do you use as a consolidate inquiry in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

156 What do you understand by the term responsive slicers in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

157 What do you understand by the on-premise gateway in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

158 What do you understand by self-service business intelligence (SSBI   Watch Text With Audio

159 What do you understand by Power View  Watch Text With Audio

160 What do you understand by Power BI services  Watch Text With Audio

161 What do you understand by Power BI Designer   Watch Text With Audio

162 What do you mean by the content pack in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

163 What do you mean by grouping in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

164 What do you know about many-to-many relationships in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

165 What do we understand about Power BI services   Watch Text With Audio

166 What data sources can you connect to Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

167 What could be the difference between Distinct() and Values() in DAX   Watch Text With Audio

168 What context style is allowed by Power BI DAX   Watch Text With Audio

169 What considerations should be made when choosing a machine to install the gateway on   Watch Text With Audio

170 What certifications are offered by Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

171 What area do you go to change and reshape data in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

172 What are Tiles in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

173 What are the various versions of Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

174 What are the various types of refresh options provided in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

175 What are the various type of users who can use Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

176 What are the types of visualizations in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

177 What are the types of relationships in Power BI  Watch Text With Audio

178 What are the types of filters available in Power BI Reports   Watch Text With Audio

179 What are the three fundamental concepts of DAX    Watch Text With Audio

180 What are the three Edit interactions options of a visual tile in Power BI Desktop   Watch Text With Audio

181 What are the steps to go to Data Stories Gallery in Power Bi communities   Watch Text With Audio

182 What are the roles & responsibilities of a Power BI developer   Watch Text With Audio

183 What are the reasons behind the popularity of the Power BI tool   Watch Text With Audio

184 What are the purpose and benefits of using the DAX function    Watch Text With Audio

185 What are the Privacy levels in Power BI Desktop    Watch Text With Audio

186 What are the primary requirements for a table to be used in Power Map   Watch Text With Audio

187 What are the Parts of Microsoft's Self-Service Business Intelligence Solutions    Watch Text With Audio

188 What are the most common Dax functions used in the project   Watch Text With Audio

189 What are the most common data shaping techniques in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

190 What are the method to hide and unhide a specific report in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

191 What are the major differences between visual-level, page-level, and report-level filters in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

192 What are the major components of Power BI And what do they do  Watch Text With Audio

193 What are the major Building Blocks for Power BI Explain in detail.   Watch Text  With Audio

194 What are the main differences between self-service BI and Managed Enterprise BI Watch Text  With Audio

195 What are the main differences between Power BI personal Gateway and Data   Management Gateway   Watch Text  With Audio

196 What are the KPIs in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

197 What are the key differences between a Power BI dataset, a report, and a dashboard   Watch Text  With Audio

198 What are the job profiles that a Power BI developer can look for  Watch Text  With Audio

199 What are the important features of the Power BI dashboard   Watch Text  With Audio

200 What are the general data shaping techniques in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

201 What are the gateways that available in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

202 What are the essential applications of Power BI      Watch Text  With Audio

203 What are the drawbacks of using Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

204 What are the different ways of achieving real-time live analytics or almost real-time  reporting scenarios in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

205 What are the different views available in Power BI Desktop    Watch Text  With Audio

206 What are the different types of refreshing data for our published reports in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

207 What are the different types of real-time data sets available in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

208 What are the different types of getaways available, and elaborate on their functionality   Watch Text  With Audio

209 What are the different types of filters in Power BI reports    Watch Text  With Audio

210 What are the different types of context in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

211 What are the different tabs in the Reports development Window   Watch Text  With Audio

212 What are the different stages in the working of Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

213 What are the different sources Power BI can connect   Watch Text  With Audio

214 What are the Different Products in the PowerBI family    Watch Text  With Audio

215 What are the different kinds of Data refresh options available in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

216 What are the different joins in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

217 What are the different important components of Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

218 What are the different Excel BI add-ins in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

219 What are the different data types used in Dax  Watch Text  With Audio

220 What are the different connectivity modes in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

221 What are the differences between a Power BI dataset, a Report, and a Dashboard  Watch Text  With Audio

222 What are the data sources for Power Map   Watch Text  With Audio

223 What are the data management gateway and Power BI personal gateway   Watch Text  With Audio

224 What are the data destinations for Power Queries   Watch Text  With Audio

225 What are the column values that DAX supports     Watch Text  With Audio

226 What are the biggest disadvantages or drawbacks of using Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

227 What are the benefits of self-service BI platforms like Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

228 What are the available views in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

229 What are the apparent limitations of Power BI post request when we enable the    Historical Data Analysis option  Watch Text  With Audio

230 What are the advantages of using a variable in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

231 What are the advantages of the direct query method in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

232 What are the advantages of calculated columns and calculated measures in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

233 What are the active relationships between two tables in Power Pivot how many can we create   Watch Text  With Audio

234 What are some ways that Excel experience can be leveraged with Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

235 What are some standard DAX functions used in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

236 What are some of the disadvantages or risks that we should look out for as we use Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

237 What are some of differences in data modeling between Power BI Desktop and Power Pivot for Excel   Watch Text  With Audio

238 What are some familiar sources for data in the Get Data menu in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

239 What are some common Power Query/Query Editor transforms   Watch Text  With Audio

240 What are some benefits of using Variables in DAX   Watch Text  With Audio

241 What are Slicers in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

242 What are query parameters and Power BI templates   Watch Text  With Audio

243 What are Power Query's major Data Destinations   Watch Text  With Audio

244 What are measures in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

245 What are many-to-many relationships and how can they be addressed in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

246 What are KPIs in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

247 What are formats in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

248 What are Filters in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

249 What are endorsements in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

250 What are Custom Visuals in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

251 What are content packs in Power BI And why would you use one    Watch Text  With Audio

252 What are common data shaping techniques in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

253 What are circular dependencies How can you avoid creating circular dependencies in your DAX expressions  Watch Text  With Audio

254 The customer wants the data and analytics to be almost real-time and refreshed periodically. How will you accomplish this task  Watch Text  With Audio

255 Tell something about DAX Calculation Types    Watch Text  With Audio

256 SUM() vs SUMX(): What is the difference between the two DAX functions    Watch Text  With Audio

257 State the major differences between MAX and MAXA functions in power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

258 State the main difference between Filter and Slicer in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

259 State the difference between Count and CounD function in Power BI  Watch Text  With Audio

260 State the advantages of the Direct query method in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

261 Name two types of connectivity modes in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

262 Name the variety of Power BI Formats.   Watch Text  With Audio

263 Name the market place where you can download the Power BI mobile apps   Watch Text  With Audio

264 Name some top features of Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

265 Name some of the popular types of filters available in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

266 Name some commonly used tasks in the Query Editor.   Watch Text  With Audio

267 Name out some important DAX functions used in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

268 Name or list a few supported database sources for Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

269 List the most common techniques for data shaping in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

270 List the difference between sum and sumx functions in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

271 List the best industry-level security practices in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

272 List some Edit interaction options in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

273 Is there any way to dynamically change the value measure to show multiple measures   Watch Text  With Audio

274 Is there any support by Power BI available for mobile devices   Watch Text  With Audio

275 Is there a way to export from power BI to Microsoft Excel   Watch Text  With Audio

276 Is the Power BI service accessible on-premises\   Watch Text  With Audio

277 Is Power BI enough to get a job    Watch Text  With Audio

278 Is Power BI better than Tableau    Watch Text  With Audio

279 Is Power BI better than Excel    Watch Text  With Audio

280 Is it possible to write back to the database from Power BI itself   Watch Text  With Audio

281 Is it possible to have created multiple active relationships in Power BI   Watch Text  With Audio

282 Is it possible to export data from the Power BI report into other formats like SSRS  Watch Text  With Audio

283 Is it possible to download the Power BI datasets or reports without publishing them to the web  Watch Text  With Audio

284 Is it possible in the power pivot data model to have more than one active relationship between two tables   Watch Text  With Audio

285 Is Dax a language   Watch Text  With Audio

286 In how many formats Power BI is available in the market   Watch Text  With Audio

287 How would you create trailing X month metrics via DAX against a non-standard calendar    Watch Text  With Audio

288 How would you analyze Power BI reports data in Microsoft excel    Watch Text  With Audio

289 How to use Power BI in excel     Watch Text  With Audio

290 How to update the Power BI desktop    Watch Text  With Audio

291 How to Toggle Between Two Option and Make it Interact with the rest of the Visualizations in a Report    Watch Text  With Audio

292 How to sort data in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

293 How to Show Percentage in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

294 How to share Power BI dashboards    Watch Text  With Audio

295 How to remove null values in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

296 How to publish Power BI reports to the Web    Watch Text  With Audio

297 How to publish a dashboard in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

298 How to perform query tasks on the Power BI desktop    Watch Text  With Audio

299 How to import the data on the Power BI desktop     Watch Text  With Audio

300 How to implement embedded reports in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

301 How to handle Many to Many relationships in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

302 How to Filter Top N in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

303 How to edit interactions in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

304 How to create filters in Power BI      Watch Text  With Audio

305 How to create and use Maps in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

306 How to create and manage relationships in Power BI Desktop     Watch Text  With Audio

307 How to Connect to Oracle Databases in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

308 How to connect SQL Server to Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

309 How to connect JIRA to Power BI      Watch Text  With Audio

310 How to change x-axis values in Power BI      Watch Text  With Audio

311 How to change the date format in Power BI Query Editor      Watch Text  With Audio

312 How to change Power BI Password     Watch Text  With Audio

313 How to calculate the average in Power BI      Watch Text  With Audio

314 How to add Page Level Filters in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

315 How to add a Calculated Column in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

316 How many types of relationships can be created between the given two tables     Watch Text  With Audio

317 How many types of default Graphs (Visualizations) are available in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

318 How many groups are available in Power BI that can set permissions    Watch Text  With Audio

319 How Many Filters are there in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

320 How many DAX functions are there       Watch Text  With Audio

321 How is the Schedule Refresh feature designed to work in Power BI    Watch Text  With Audio

322 How is Power BI different from other BI tools     Watch Text  With Audio

323 How is data security implemented in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

324 How Dynamic filtering in Power BI is performed     Watch Text  With Audio

325 How does SSRS integrate with Power BI       Watch Text  With Audio

326 How does Power BI DAX work        Watch Text  With Audio

327 How do you reshape data in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

328 How do you manage a role in Power BI       Watch Text  With Audio

329 How do you make a featured dashboard in Power BI     Watch Text  With Audio

330 How do you improve the performance of your data models in Power BI       Watch Text  With Audio

331 How do you Hide and Unhide a Specific Report in Power BI     Watch Text  With  Audio

332 How do you create a group in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

333 How do you consolidate inquiries in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

334 How do you compare Target and Actual Values from a Power BI report     Watch Text With Audio

335 How do I export from power BI to excel      Watch Text With Audio

336 How do combine two columns in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

337 How do calculate and calculate table functions differ in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

338 How can you show multiple measures with a common axis in a single visualization in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

339 How can you refresh data in PowerBI   Watch Text With Audio

340 How can you perform Dynamic filtering in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

341 How can you pass parameters to power bi filters    Watch Text With Audio

342 How can you hide and unhide a specific report in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

343 How can you dynamically change the value measure to show multiple measures in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

344 How can you differ COVAR and COVARP in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

345 How can you depict a story in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

346 How can you convert SSRS to Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

347 How can you compare Target and Actual Value from a Power BI report   Watch Text With Audio

348 How can You Change the Value Measure to Show Multiple Measures Dynamically in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

349 How can you assign SSRS with Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

350 How can you apply percentile function in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

351 How can you analyze Power BI reports data in excel    Watch Text With Audio

352 How can we take a query from one solution and use it in a different solution altogether to save on time and effort in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

353 How can we integrate excel with Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

354 How can I purchase Power BI suite     Watch Text With Audio

355 How can geographic data be mapped into Power BI Reports    Watch Text With Audio

356 How are many-to-many relationships made possible in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

357 How are DAX and Power Query different from each other in Power BI   Watch Text With Audio

358 How are a Power BI Dashboard and Report different from each other    Watch Text With Audio

359 Have you faced any performance issues in your in Power BI project    Watch Text With Audio

360 Explain z-order in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

361 Explain x-velocity in memory in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

362 Explain the term responsive slicers in Power BI    Watch Text With Audio

363 Explain the term incremental refresh in Power BI      Watch Text With Audio

364 Explain the term data alerts in Power BI      Watch Text With Audio

365 Explain the term Custom Visuals in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

366 Explain the summarize function in DAX in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

367 Explain the Power Pivot Data Model     Watch Text With Audio

368 Explain the filled map in Power BI        Watch Text With Audio

369 Explain the different types of charts available in Power BI      Watch Text With Audio

370 Explain the collect function in Power BI      Watch Text With Audio

371 Explain responsive slicers in Power BI.      Watch Text With Audio

372 Explain FE and SE engine optimization in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

373 Explain DATEDD function in Power BI       Watch Text With Audio

374 Explain data source filter in Power BI       Watch Text With Audio

375 Explain about Power BI Desktop       Watch Text With Audio

376 Explain about Bidirectional Cross-Filtering in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

377 Enumerate the difference between append query and merge query in Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

378 Does Power BI store data    Watch Text With Audio

379 Does Power BI need coding     Watch Text With Audio

380 Differentiate between star and snowflake schema and different filters levels    Watch Text With Audio

381 Difference between SSAS and Power BI     Watch Text With Audio

382 Difference between Power Query and Power Pivot   Watch  Text With Audio

383 Difference Between New Measure and New column in Power BI   Watch  Text With Audio

384 Difference between measures and columns in Power BI    Watch  Text With Audio

385 Difference between Filter and Slicer functions for many to many relationships.   Watch  Text With Audio

386 Define Excel BI Toolkit in Power BI     Watch  Text With Audio

387 Define bi-directional cross filtering in Power BI    Watch  Text With Audio

388 Data Category settings should be used for mapping information to geographic areas in Power BI     Watch  Text With Audio

389 Compare star and snowflake schema.    Watch  Text With Audio

390 Can you tell me what the difference between Power BI personal Gateway and Data Management Gateway is     Watch  Text With Audio

391 Can you join two unique information source in the same Power BI dashboard    Watch  Text With Audio

392 Can you have more than one functional relationship between two tables in a Power Pivot data model    Watch  Text With Audio

393 Can you have a table in the model which does not have any relationship with other tables   Watch  Text With Audio

394 Can you export Power BI report data into any other format like SSRS   Watch  Text With Audio

395 Can you explain a few ways of how a Power Query can transform the data in Power BI   Watch  Text With Audio

396 Can you create multiple dynamic connections between two tables in Power BI   Watch  Text With Audio

397 Can we have more than one active relationship between two tables in data model of power pivot   Watch  Text With Audio

398 Can we create geographic maps using Power BI    Watch  Text With Audio

399 Can SQL and Power Query/Query Editor be used together   Watch  Text With Audio

400 Can one connect Push Dataset and Streaming data in Power BI Desktop    Watch  Text With Audio

401 Can a gateway contain both import and direct query connections in Power BI   Watch  Text With Audio

402 Are Power View and Power Query the same   Watch  Text With Audio