
Saturday, 25 November 2023

Creating a Database User in PostgreSQL in pgAdmin and psql 04


Creating a database user in PostgreSQL using pgAdmin involves defining the user's credentials and granting them appropriate privileges to access and manage database objects. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a database user in PostgreSQL using pgAdmin:


  1. A running PostgreSQL server with pgAdmin installed and configured.

  2. Access to pgAdmin with administrative privileges.


  1. Launch pgAdmin and connect to the PostgreSQL server.

  2. Expand the "Servers" node in the Object Browser pane.

  3. Right-click the server name and select "Create > Login/Group Role".

  4. In the "Create - Login/Group Role" dialog box:

  • Enter a name for the user in the "Name" field.

  • Select "Login" from the "Type" dropdown menu.

  • Enter a strong password for the user in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields.

  • Optionally, set an expiration date for the user's account in the "Valid until" field.

  • Click "Create" to create the user.

  1. To grant the user privileges, follow these steps:

  • In the Object Browser pane, expand the database where you want to grant privileges to the user.

  • Expand the "Roles" node.

  • Right-click the newly created user and select "Grant Wizard".

  • In the "Grant Wizard" dialog box:

  • Select the database object (e.g., table, view, function) you want to grant privileges on in the "Object" dropdown menu.

  • Select the user you created in the "Role" dropdown menu.

  • Check the appropriate privileges for the user in the "Privileges" tab.

  • Click "Add/Change" to apply the privileges.

  • Repeat the above steps for any other database objects where you want to grant privileges to the user.

  1. Click "Finish" to complete the wizard.

The user is now created and has the necessary privileges to access and manage the specified database objects in PostgreSQL.

Here's an example of how to create a user named app_user with the password my_password and grant them the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the database myapp:

  1. Create the user:

  • Right-click the server name in the Object Browser pane and select "Create > Login/Group Role".

  • Enter app_user in the "Name" field.

  • Select "Login" from the "Type" dropdown menu.

  • Enter my_password in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields.

  • Click "Create".

  1. Grant privileges:

  • Expand the "Databases" node in the Object Browser pane.

  • Right-click the database myapp and select "Grant Wizard".

  • Select the user app_user in the "Role" dropdown menu.

  • Check the boxes for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE in the "Privileges" tab.

  • Click "Add/Change".

  • Click "Finish".

The user app_user now has the specified privileges on the database myapp.


To create a database user in PostgreSQL using the psql command, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL server as a superuser using the psql command:


psql -U postgres

  1. Enter the password for the superuser account when prompted.

  2. Create the new user using the CREATE USER command:


CREATE USER new_user WITH PASSWORD 'strong_password';

Replace new_user with the desired username and strong_password with a strong password for the new user.

  1. Optionally, grant the user specific privileges to access and manage database objects:



Replace database_name with the name of the database the user should have access to. If you want to grant different privileges, modify the comma-separated list of privileges.

  1. If you want to allow the user to create new databases, grant the CREATEDB privilege:



  1. Exit the psql client:



The new user is now created and has the specified privileges in PostgreSQL.

interview questions and answers about creating a database user

Sure, here are some interview questions and answers about creating a database user in PostgreSQL using the psql command, along with an example:

Q: How do you create a new database user in PostgreSQL using the psql command?

A: To create a new database user in PostgreSQL using the psql command, you would use the CREATE USER command. The syntax of the command is as follows:


CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';

Replace username with the desired username and password with a strong password for the new user.

Q: What is the minimum required information to create a new database user in PostgreSQL?

A: The minimum required information to create a new database user in PostgreSQL is the username and password. The CREATE USER command allows you to specify additional options, such as the CREATEDB privilege, which allows the user to create new databases.

Q: How do you grant specific privileges to a database user in PostgreSQL?

A: To grant specific privileges to a database user in PostgreSQL, you would use the GRANT command. The syntax of the command is as follows:


GRANT <privileges> ON <database_object> TO <username>;

Replace <privileges> with the desired privileges, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Replace <database_object> with the name of the database object, such as a table, view, or function. Replace <username> with the name of the user to whom you want to grant the privileges.

Q: How do you grant the CREATEDB privilege to a database user in PostgreSQL?

A: To grant the CREATEDB privilege to a database user in PostgreSQL, you would use the following command:



Replace <username> with the name of the user to whom you want to grant the CREATEDB privilege.

Q: What is the difference between creating a database user and granting them privileges?

A: Creating a database user is the process of creating a new user account in the PostgreSQL database. Granting privileges is the process of assigning specific permissions to a user, allowing them to perform specific actions on database objects.

Q: When would you use the psql command to create a database user instead of using a graphical user interface (GUI) tool like pgAdmin?

A: You would use the psql command to create a database user when you need more granular control over the user creation process or when you are scripting database tasks. GUI tools like pgAdmin are often easier to use for simple tasks, but they may not provide the same level of flexibility as the psql command.