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Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Object Oriented Programming Traits in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 40
package com.theraldanvega.traits
class Bird implements FlyingAbility, SpeakingAbility{
package com.theraldanvega.traits
trait FlyingAbility{
String fly(){
'I am Fly'
package com.therealdanvega.traits
trait SpeakingAbility
trait SpeakingAbility{
String speak(){
"I am Speaking"
package com.therealdanvega
import com.therealdanvega.traits.Bird
Bird b=new Bird()
assert "I am Flying"
assert b.speak() =="I am Speaking"
Object Oriented Programming Interface in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 39
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package com.therealdanvega.domain
class Person{
String first, last
package com.therealdanvega.service
import com.therealdanvega.domain.Person
interface IPersonService{
Person find()
List <People> findAll()
package com.therealdanvega.service
import com.therealdanvega.domain.Person
class PersonService implements IPersonService{
Person find(){
person p= new Person(first:"Dan",last:"vega")
return p
List <People> findAll(){
person p1= new Person(first:"Dan",last:"vega")
person p2= new Person(first:"jam",last:"vega")
package com.therealdanvega
import com.therealdanvega.service.PersonService
PersonService ps=new PersonService()
println ps.find()
Object Oriented Programming Inheritance in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 38
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Phone.groovy
package com.therealdanvega.domain
class Phone{
String name
String os
String appStore
def powerOn(){
def powerOff(){
def ring(){
package com.therealdanvega.domain
class Iphone extends Phone{
String iosVersion
def homeButtonPressed(){
def airplay(){
def powerOn()
package com.therealdanvega
package com.therealdanvega.domain.Iphone
Iphone phone = new Iphone(name:"iphone",appStore:"Apple Store",os:"ios")
println phone
Object Oriented Programming Organizing Classes into Packages in Groovy Scripting training intelugu37
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Object Oriented Programming Constructors & Methods in Groovy Scripting training telugu 36
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class Person{
String first,last
Person(String fullName){
List parts =fullName.split(' ')
public void foo(String a, String b){
//do stuff
String getFullName(){
"$last $first"
def bar(){
ststic String doGoodWork(){
println "do some good work............"
List someMethod (List num=[1,,2,3] Boolean canAccessAll=false){
/*Person p= new Person ("Dan Vega")
println p */
Object Oriented Programming Classes Fields Local Variables in groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 35
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class Person{
String firstName,lastName
def dob
//private | protected |public
protected String f1,f2,f3
private Date createdOn= new Date()
static welcomeMsg="Hello"
public static final String WELCOME_MSG="HELLO"
def foo(){
String msg ="Hello"
String firstName="Dan"
println"$msg, $firstName"
def Person =new Person()
Exercise UsingControl Structures Groovy Scripting in groovy traing telugu 34
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[Exercise] Control Structures
Control Structures
We used a class similar to this in a previous exercise but I think it's a short and sweet example of what we need to review in this exercise.
Create An Account Class
create a property of type BigDecimal called balance with an initial value of 0.0
Create a method called deposit
use a conditional structure (if would work great here) to check if the amount being passed is less than zero. If it is we should catch this case because we don't want to deposit negative numbers. In this case, throw an exception.
Create another method called deposit that takes a list of amounts
use a for loop to loop over these amounts and call deposit
Now that we have our class let's test it out. You can do all of this in the same file (just don't create a file called Account.groovy)
Create an instance of the account class
deposit a valid amount
deposit an invalid amount (what happens?)
try / catch on invalid amounts
deposit a list of amounts.
class Account {
BigDecimal balance=0.0
def deposit(BigDecimal amount)
if(amount <0){
throw new Exception("Deposit amoubt must be greater than 0")
balance += amount
def deposit(List amounts){
for (amount in amounts){
Account checking =new Account()
println checking.blance
catch(Exception e)
println "You entet invalid amount"
println checking.blance
ExceptionHandling in Groovy Scripting grrovy training in telugu 33
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------def foo(){
//do stuff
throw new Exception("Foo Exception")
List log=[]
catch(Exception e){
log <<e.message
log <<'finally'
println log
//Java 7 version multiple catch block
//do something
catch (FileNotFoundException | NullPointerException)
println e.message
Looping in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 32
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List numbers=[1,2,3]
//do something
assert numbers ==[]
List nums=[1,2,3,4]
for(Integer i in 1..10){
println i
for(j in 1..5)
println j
Conditional Structure in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 31
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// if boolean (expression) {// logic}
if (true){
println true
if (true)
println true
def age=35
if (age>=35){
println "can run president"
if (false){
println true
else {
println false
def yourage=18
println"eligible for Marriage"
println "not eligible for Marriage"
def someage=37
if(someage>= 21 && someage <35){
println "eligible for Marriage"
else if(someage >= 35){
println "run for president"
else {
println "not eligible for Marriage"
// ternary operator
def name='Dan'
def isitdan=(name.toUpperCase()=='DAN')?'YES":'NO'
println isitdan
def num=5
case 1:
println "1"
case 2:
println "2"
println "default value"
Groovy Truth in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 30
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Boolean
assert true
assert !false
assert ('a'=='a')
assert !('a'=='b')
assert [1]
assert ![]
assert [1:'one']
assert ![:]
assert "asd"
assert !""
assert 1
assert 3.5
assert !0
//None of the above
assert new Object()
assert null
Exercise Using Closure in Groovy Scripting groovy traing telugu 29
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Exercise] Using Closures
Closure Basics
Locate the class groovy.lang.Closure and spend a few minutes looking through documentation.
Create a Method that accepts a closure as an argument
Create a closure that performs some action
Call the method and pass the closure to it.
Create a list and use them each to iterate over each item in the list and print it out
Hint - You can use the implicit it or use your own variable
Create a map of data and iterate over it using each method.
This method can take a closure that accepts 1 or 2 arguments.
Use 2 arguments and print out the key and value on each line.
Demonstrate the use of curry and try to come up with an example different from the one we used in the lecture.
Explore the GDK
In the following exercises we are going to explore the GDK to find some methods that take closures and learn how to use them. Hint - I would narrow your search to java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable & java.util.List
Search for the find and findAll methods.
What is the difference between the two?
Write some code to show how they both work.
Search for the any and every methods.
What is the difference between the two?
Write some code to show how they both work.
Search for the method groupBy that accepts a closure
What does this method do?
Write an example of how to use this method.
def mymethod(Closure c){
def foo={
List names=["Dan","Vega","Jhon","rashmi","rasi"]
names.each{name ->
println name
Map teams=[baseball:"Cleveland Indians", basketball:"Cleveland Cavs", football:"Cleveland Browns"]
teams.each{k,v ->
def greet ={ String greeting, String name ->
println "$greeting,$name"
greet ("HELLO","DAN")
def sayHello=greet.curry("HELLO")
List people=[
[name:"Jame", city:"New York City"]
[name:"Jhon", city:"Cleveland"]
[name:"Mary", city:"New York City"]
[name:"Dan", city:"Cleveland"]
[name:"Ton", city:"New York City"]
[name:"Frank", city:"New York City"]
[name:"Jason", city:"Cleveland"]
println people.find{person ->"Cleveland"}
println people.findAll{person ->"Cleveland"}
println people.any{person ->"Cleveland"}
println people.every{person ->"Cleveland"}
def peopleByCity =people.groupBy{person ->}
println peopleByCity
Scope of Delegate in Groovy Scripting groovy trainig telugu 28
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------class ScopeDemo{
def outerClosure ={
def innerClosure={
def demo=new ScopeDemo()
//other Example
def writer={
append 'Dan'
append 'lives in USA'
def append(String s){
println "append() called with argument of $s"
StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer()
Curry Methods in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 27
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------def log={String type,Date createdOn,String msg ->
println"$createdOn [$type]-$mgs"
log("DEBUG", new Date(),"This is my first debug statement......")
def debuglog =log.curry("DEBUG")
debuglog(new Date(),"This is my first debug statement.........")
debuglog(new Date(),"This is onOther")
def todayDebugLog= log.curry("DEBUG",new Date())
todayDebugLog("This is today Bug")
//right curry
def crazyPersonLog =log.rcurry("Why i am logging this way")
crazyPersonLog("ERROR",new Date())
//index based Curring
def typeMsgLog=log.ncurry(1,new Date())
typeMsgLog("ERROR","This is using ncurry")
Collection Methods in Groovy Scripting groovy scripting training telugu 26
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//each &eachWithIndex
List nums =[2,21,44,35,8,4]
for (i in nums){
println i
nums.each{println it}
for (int j=0;j<nums.size();j++){
println "$j:${nums[j]}"
nums.eachWithIndex{num.idx ->
println "$idx:$num"
List days=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]
List weekend=days.findAll{it.startsWith("S")}
println days
println weekend
List number=[3,6,7,9,8]
List numsTimesTen=[]
number.each{num ->
numsTimesTen << num*10
List newTimesTen = number.collect{ num -> num*10}
println number
println numsTimesTen
println newTimesTen
Closures Parameters in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 25
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//implict parameter
def foo={
println it
def noparass={->
println "no parss...."
def sayHello ={String first, String last ->
println "Hello, $first $last"
// Default values
def greet={String name, String greeting ="Howdy"->
println "$greeting,$name"
greet ("Dan","Hello")
def concat={String...args->
println concat('abc','def')
println concat('abc','def','gfd')
Creating Closures in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 24
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def c ={}
println c instanceof Closure
def sayHelo={ name ->
println "Hello $name"
List num=[3,4,5,6,7]
num.each({ nums ->
println nums
//closures are object
def timesTen(num,closure){
closure{num *10}
timesTen(10,{println it})
timesTen(2,{println it})
Clousers in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 23
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This chapter covers Groovy Closures. A closure in Groovy is an open,
anonymous, block of code that can take arguments, return a value
and be assigned to a variable. A closure may reference variables
declared in its surrounding scope. In opposition to the formal
definition of a closure, Closure in the Groovy language can also
contain free variables which are defined outside of its surrounding scope.
While breaking the formal concept of a closure, it offers a variety of
advantages which are described in this chapter.
{ [closureParameters -> ] statements }
Exercise Collections in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 22
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Exercise] Using Collections
If you are new to Java or Groovy the idea of an Enum might be new. An Enum is a collection of constant values. We can use this collection of constants to create ranges. I want you to do some reading up on enum's and create an enum for days of the week. ex Sunday, Monday, etc...
Create a range from that enum
Print the size of the Range
Use the contains method to see if Wednesday is in that Range
Print the from element of this range
Print the to element of this range
Create a list days (Sun - Sat)
Print out the list
Print the size of the list
Remove Saturday from the list
Add Saturday back by appending it to the list
Print out the Wednesday using its index
Create a map of days of the week
1: Sunday, 2:Monday, etc...
Print out the map
Print out the class name of the map
Print the size of the map
Is there a method that would easily print out all of the days (values)?
Without closures you may have to look at the Java API for LinkedHashMap
enum Days{
def dayRange=Days.SUNDAY..days.SATURDAY
//for in loop
for(day in dayRange){
println day
// using Closures
dayRange.each{day ->
println day
println dayRange.size()
println dayRange.contains(Days.WEDNESDAY)
println dayRange.from
println days
println days.size()
println days
println days
println days[2]
println days
println days.getClass().getName()
println days.size()
println days.values()
Collections Map in GroovyScripting groovy training in telugu 21
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Map map=[:]
println map
println map.getClass().getName()
def person =[first:"ravi",email:""]
println person
println person.first
println person
def emailkey="emailadress"
def whatsapp=[name:"rashmi", (emailkey):""]
println person.size()
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