
Monday, 11 December 2023

What are the hook functions provided by directives in Vuejs explain with example?


Directive Hook Functions in Vue.js

Directives in Vue.js offer several lifecycle hooks that provide access to different stages of their interaction with the DOM. These hooks allow you to implement custom behavior and modify the element at various points. Here are the key hook functions provided by directives:

1. bind:

  • Trigger: Called once when the directive is first bound to the element.

  • Purpose: Used for one-time setup, such as initializing variables, setting event listeners, or performing initial DOM manipulations.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('highlight', {
  bind(el, binding) { = 'yellow';

2. inserted:

  • Trigger: Called after the element is inserted into the DOM.

  • Purpose: Used for actions that require the element to be fully present in the DOM, like accessing its dimensions or performing DOM manipulations that rely on other elements being present.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('focus', {
  inserted(el) {

3. update:

  • Trigger: Called whenever the bound value or the data it depends on changes.

  • Purpose: Used to update the element based on the new value, typically involving DOM manipulation or data binding updates.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('resize-text', {
  update(el, binding) { = binding.value + 'px';

4. componentUpdated:

  • Trigger: Called after the component and its children have been updated.

  • Purpose: Used for tasks that require the component to be completely updated, such as performing actions based on the latest state of the component and its children.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('track-changes', {
  componentUpdated(el, binding) {
    console.log('Element value changed:', el.textContent);

5. unbind:

  • Trigger: Called before the directive is unbound from the element.

  • Purpose: Used for cleanup tasks, such as removing event listeners, clearing timers, or undoing any DOM modifications performed by the directive.

  • Example:


Vue.directive('animate', {
  unbind(el) {

Understanding the hook functions and their timing is crucial for creating effective and efficient custom directives in Vue.js. Remember to choose the appropriate hook for your specific needs and ensure that your directive performs its intended behavior at the correct stage.

Additional Notes:

  • Some directives may not use all hooks, depending on their functionality.

  • You can access the element itself and the binding object within each hook function.

  • The binding object provides information about the directive's value and modifiers.

By leveraging these powerful hooks, you can unlock the full potential of custom directives and build dynamic and interactive interfaces in Vue.js.

Interview Questions & Answers for Directive Hook Functions in Vue.js

1. What are the different hook functions available for custom directives in Vue.js?

Answer: Vue.js provides five main hook functions for directives:

  • bind: Called once when the directive is bound to the element.

  • inserted: Called after the element is inserted into the DOM.

  • update: Called whenever the bound value or data changes.

  • componentUpdated: Called after the component and its children have been updated.

  • unbind: Called before the directive is unbound from the element.

2. What is the purpose of the bind hook in a directive?

Answer: The bind hook is used for one-time setup tasks like initializing variables, setting event listeners, or performing initial DOM manipulations. It's crucial for setting up the basic functionality of the directive before any updates or interactions occur.

3. When would you use the inserted hook instead of the bind hook?

Answer: Use the inserted hook for tasks that require the element to be fully present in the DOM. This could involve accessing its dimensions, manipulating other elements based on its position, or performing actions that rely on its presence in the document structure.

4. How is the update hook different from the componentUpdated hook?

Answer: The update hook is specifically triggered when the bound value or data used by the directive changes. It's ideal for manipulating the element based on the updated value, like changing its text content, applying styles, or triggering animations. The componentUpdated hook, on the other hand, fires after the entire component and its children have been updated, and is better suited for tasks that require the latest state of the entire component.

5. What is the main purpose of the unbind hook?

Answer: The unbind hook is used for cleanup tasks before the directive is removed from the element. This includes removing event listeners, clearing timers, and undoing any DOM modifications done by the directive to ensure proper resource management and prevent memory leaks.

6. Can you give an example of how you would use the focus directive with its hook functions?



Vue.directive('focus', {
  bind(el) {
    // Set up event listener for click
    el.addEventListener('click', () => el.focus());
  unbind(el) {
    // Remove the event listener to prevent memory leaks
    el.removeEventListener('click', () => el.focus());

This example shows how the bind hook sets up a click event listener on the element that triggers the focus() method. The unbind hook removes this listener when the directive is removed to prevent unwanted behavior and resource leaks.

7. What are some best practices for using directive hook functions?

  • Choose the appropriate hook for your specific needs.

  • Use descriptive names for your hook functions.

  • Perform cleanup tasks in the unbind hook.

  • Avoid complex logic within hooks for better performance.

  • Document your hook functions for clarity and maintainability.

By understanding and applying these principles, you can effectively utilize directive hook functions to build robust and efficient custom directives in Vue.js, enhancing your code quality and development experience.

How do you register directives locally in Vuejs explain with example?


Registering Custom Directives Locally in Vue.js

In Vue.js, you can register custom directives in two ways: globally and locally. Global registration makes the directive available throughout your entire application, while local registration restricts it to a specific component. Local registration is preferable when the directive's functionality is only needed within a single component, promoting modularity and reducing potential conflicts.

Here's how to register a custom directive locally in Vue.js:

1. Define the Directive:

Start by defining the directive itself. This involves creating a JavaScript object that contains lifecycle hooks like bind, inserted, update, and unbind.


const myDirective = {
  bind(el, binding) {
    // Implement your directive logic here
    // ...
  // ... other lifecycle hooks

2. Register the Directive Locally:

There are two ways to register the directive locally:

a) Using the directives option:

In your component's options object, define a directives property and assign the directive object to a key.


export default {
  components: {
    // ...
  directives: {
  // ... other options

b) Using <script setup>:

If you're using the <script setup> syntax, you can define the directive directly inside the script tag. Variables prefixed with "v-" are automatically treated as directives.


<script setup>
const myDirective = {
  bind(el, binding) {
    // Implement your directive logic here
    // ...
  // ... other lifecycle hooks

  <div v-myDirective="someValue">This is a test.</div>

3. Use the Directive:

Once registered, you can use the directive in your component's template with the v- prefix followed by the directive name. You can also pass arguments and modifiers to customize its behavior.


<div v-myDirective="color: 'red', width: '2px'">This is a test.</div>


Here's a simple example of a custom directive that adds a border to an element:


const myDirective = {
  bind(el, binding) { = `solid ${binding.value.color} ${binding.value.width}`;

export default {
  components: {
    // ...
  directives: {
  // ... other options


  <div v-myDirective="color: 'red', width: '2px'">This is a test.</div>

Benefits of Local Registration:

  • Increased Modularity: Keeps your directives localized to specific components, reducing global context pollution and improving code maintainability.

  • Reduced Conflicts: Avoids potential conflicts between directives with the same name across different components.

  • Clearer Code: Makes your code more concise and easier to understand by associating directives with their specific use cases.


Local directive registration is a valuable tool for promoting modularity and organization in your Vue.js applications. By leveraging this technique, you can ensure your code is cleaner, more maintainable, and less prone to conflicts.

Interview Questions & Answers for Local Directive Registration in Vue.js

1. What are the two ways to register custom directives in Vue.js?

Answer: You can register custom directives globally or locally. Global registration makes them available throughout the application, while local registration restricts them to a specific component.

2. Why would you choose to register a custom directive locally?

Answer: Local registration offers several benefits:

  • Increased modularity: Keeps directives localized to specific components, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.

  • Reduced conflicts: Avoids potential conflicts between directives with the same name across different components.

  • Clearer code: Makes your code more concise and easier to understand by associating directives with their specific use cases.

3. Explain the two methods for registering directives locally.


  • Using the directives option: Define a directives property within your component's options object and assign the directive object as a value to a key.

  • Using <script setup>: Define the directive directly inside the <script setup> tag. Variables prefixed with "v-" are treated as directives automatically.

4. How does local registration affect the directive's usage?

Answer: Once registered locally, the directive can only be used within the component it's registered in. You can use it in the component's template with the v- prefix and the directive name. Arguments and modifiers can be used to customize its behavior.

5. What are some potential drawbacks of local directive registration?


  • Increased code duplication: If the same directive is needed across multiple components, duplicating the definition could occur.

  • More complex testing: Requires separate testing for each component using the directive.

  • Reduced reusability: Limits the directive's usage to the specific component.

6. How can you mitigate the drawbacks of local registration?


  • Create reusable components: Instead of duplicating directives, build a reusable component encapsulating the directive logic.

  • Write unit tests: Ensure each component using the directive is thoroughly tested.

  • Consider global registration when needed: If the directive is genuinely needed across multiple components, consider global registration for increased reusability.

7. When would you choose global over local registration?

Answer: Global registration is suitable when:

  • The directive's functionality is needed throughout the application.

  • Sharing the directive across components is necessary for code reuse.

  • Maintaining consistency in directive behavior across different components is important.

8. What are some best practices for using local directive registration?


  • Register directives locally only when needed within a specific component.

  • Document the purpose and usage of local directives clearly.

  • Follow consistent naming conventions for local directives.

  • Test local directives thoroughly within their respective components.

By understanding these points, you can leverage the benefits of local directive registration in Vue.js while minimizing potential drawbacks and creating clean, maintainable, and organized codebases.