
Monday 19 February 2024

MuleSoft and data weave interview questions and answers

 1) After file is being read from ftp/sftp, will the file be deleted or moved to different folder or stays there itself in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

2) Anypoint studio version , Mule version?   watch text with audio

3) Api kit router, api console? In Melesoft   watch text with audio

4) As soon as the records inserted into database, our api should pick the newly inserted records from database automatically how can we achieve this? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

5) Assign incremental keys to the objects in an array In MuleSoft  watch text with audio

6) Basic authentication vs oauth? In Mulesoft   watch text with audio

7) Can i connect to a vpc in a different area using peering? In MuleSoft   watch text with audio

8) Can we deploy domain project into cloudhub? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

9) Can we keep source connector in private flows? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

10) Can we run/deploy multiple Mule applications at a time in anypoint studio ?   watch text with audio

11) Can you brief me about anypoint mq? In MuleSoft   watch text with audio

12) Can you explain what a data weave script looks like? In MuleSoft   watch text with audio

13) Can you explain what aliases are and how they are used in dataweave? In MuleSoft   watch text with audio

14) Can you explain what metadata types are in dataweave? In MuleSoft   watch text with audio

15) Can you explain what the reduce function does in dataweave? In MuleSoft   watch text with audio

16) Can you explain what the window operator does in the context of dataweave? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

17) Can you explain what transpositions are in dataweave?    watch text with audio

18) Can you give me an example of how you would use for loops in a dataweave expression? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

19) Can you give me some examples of real-world applications of dataweave?    watch text with audio

20) Combine multiple objects into single object in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

21) Default ports of http & https ?    watch text with audio

22) Define AnyPoint Exchange?    watch text with audio

23) Define API Manager in AnyPoint Platform.   watch text with audio

24) Define Batch Jobs in Mule ESB.    watch text with audio

25) Define Dedicated Load Balancers in MuleSoft.   watch text with audio

26) Define EU Control Pane in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

27) Define Fileage properties in file connector in MuleSoft?    watch text with audio

28) Define Mule umo   watch text with audio

29) Define Payload in a MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

30) Define RAML.   watch text with audio

31) Define sdo and smo in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

32) Define the available resources used for modularizing configuration in Mule?    watch text with audio

33) Define the purpose of Endpoint in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

34) Define the use of filter in Mule.   watch text with audio

35) Define the use of MuleSoft Anypoint Design Center.   watch text with audio

36) Describe caching in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

37) Describe Mule maven plugin    watch text with audio

38) Describe munit in-detail in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

39) Difference between $ and $$ in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

40) Difference between api manager and runtime manager? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

41) Difference between Callout and Service Invoke? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

42) Difference between esb and jms in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

43) Difference between put and patch in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

44) difference between query params and uri params in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

45) Difference between read and readurl? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

46) Difference between soap ws vs rest ws in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

47) Difference between webservice consumer and http request in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

48) differences between for-each, parallel foreach, and scatter-gather in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

49) Differences between transient & persistent object store ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

50) different vcore size in worker in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

51) Distinctby opeator in MuleSoft dataweave    watch text with audio

52) Do peering connections have any bandwidth restrictions? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

53) even though database insert failed, the next component should execute how can achieve this? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

54) Experience on design documentation? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

55) Explain about $, $$, $$$ in mapobject ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

56) Explain about configuration builder in MuleSoft.   watch text with audio

57) Explain about dedicated load balancers (dlb). in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

58) Explain about Mule 4 event structure ?   watch text with audio

59) Explain different http status codes   watch text with audio

60) Explain esb integration core principles?  in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

61) explain Mule data integrator.    watch text with audio

62) Explain Mule errors in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

63) Explain Mule expression language (mel).   watch text with audio

64) Explain Mule Transformer?   watch text with audio

65) Explain the concept of auto-delete feature in file connector? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

66) Explain the concept of correlation context in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

67) explain the concept of endpoint? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

68) Explain the core principles in ESB Integration in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

69) Explain the functionality of fan-in and fan-out in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

70) Explain the parameters that are used in configuring a scheduler in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

71) explain the working functionality of the service layer in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

72) Explain transport layer functionality in MuleSoft.  watch text with audio

73) Explain what is configuration builder is MuleSoft   watch text with audio

74) Filter out even & odd numbers from an array in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

75) Find out the path for class abstract Mule testcase?   watch text with audio

76) Find the average of an array of numbers? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

77) Find the factorial value of a given number ? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

78) Find the smallest and greatest number in an array in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

79) Flow reference is synchronous. True or false ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

80) Group the objects based on city in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

81) How are the messages in Mule composed? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

82) How can code in MuleSoft be optimized for memory efficiency? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

83) How can we achieve reliability in MuleSoft?    watch text with audio

84) how can we archive json to xml conversion in dataweave 2.0?   watch text with audio

85) How can we develop and consume soap services in Mule?   watch text with audio

86) How can we improve the performance of the Mule application in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

87) How can we invoke or call flows from dataweave?   watch text with audio

88) How can we use Mule flow to process only one message at a time?    watch text with audio

89) How can you access information from an xml payload using dataweave?   watch text with audio

90) How can you change the runtime changes using mediation primitive? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

91) How can you get access to dataweave's secure properties? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

92) How can you implement a loop in mediation? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

93) How can you judge the need for ESB in a project? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

94) How can you merge two different arrays in Dataweave?   watch text with audio

95) How can you raise error explicitly in Mule flow/sub flow?   watch text with audio

96) How can you register an api in api manager? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

97) How can you use a dataweave to call a custom java class?   watch text with audio

98) How can you validate json and xml in Mule?    watch text with audio

99) How can you validate the incoming payload in raml ?   watch text with audio

100) How do you debug the app? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

101) How do you define variables in dataweave scripts?   watch text with audio

102) How do you execute sql queries in dataweave?   watch text with audio

103) how do you implement caching in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

104) How do you know about the Mule’s shared resources?   watch text with audio

105) How is OAUTH 2.0 useful in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

106) How is Reliability achieved in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

107) How many methods can we apply under resource in raml?   watch text with audio

108) How many types of targets can be created in transform message? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

109) How may the Mule application's performance be improved?   watch text with audio

110) How to access a property in dataweave ?  watch text with audio

111) How to access attribute in xml payload?   watch text with audio

112) How to add classes/jars to the Mule class path?    watch text with audio

113) How to check if the given string a palindrome? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

114) How to check the payload type ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

115) How to compose messages in MuleSoft?    watch text with audio

116) How to configure a simple FTP handler in Mule?   watch text with audio

117) How to convert all the keys in an object to uppercase ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

118) How to convert datetime to specific timezone ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

119) How to convert json string to json ? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

120) How to create and consume soap service in Mule?    watch text with audio

121) how to export the Mule project (*.jar filein MuleSoft    watch text with audio

122) How to extract integers only from a given string ?in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

123) How to fetch keys & values of an object ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

124) How to get access to a VPC in a different area through peering? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

125) How to handle errors at processor level ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

126) how to import other project jar file ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

127) How to mask the properties in runtime manager ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

128) How to print $(dollarin the output ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

129) How to print the current date ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

130) how to remove a key value pair in json object? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

131) How to remove the indentation from json output ? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

132) How to skip null values ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

133) how to skip the header in csv? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

134) How to sort an array in descending order? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

135) How to sort an array? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

136) How to update company name in employee array ? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

137) How to use Mule HQ with Mule?   watch text with audio

138) How to use splitby function ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

139) How to validate if email is correct or not by which component? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

140) How will you encrypt/decryptthe passwords in Mule?   watch text with audio

141) How would you use the map function to transform an array of objects into another array of objects? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

142) identify query params & uri params in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

143) If database table does not have autoincrement primary key how can you pick the newly inserted records always from Muleapi?   watch text with audio

144) If input of foreach is[1,2,3,4,5] and inside foreach placed a transform message and performed sum function. What is the output of foreach? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

145) If we need to insert 100 records in to db using batch processing, until 10 records failed it needs to be inserted after that it should stop execution. How can we achieve this? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

146) In choice router if first route and second routes conditions are true. Which route it will execute? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

147) In database select no records are satisfying the condition then what will be the output from db? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

148) In dataweave, how do i log a message?   watch text with audio

149) In dataweave, how do you merge two arrays?   watch text with audio

150) In MuleSoft, what exactly is a batch aggregator?   watch text with audio

151) In MuleSoft, what exactly is a batch job?   watch text with audio

152) in MuleSoft, what exactly is an api manager?   watch text with audio

153) In MuleSoft, what is a flow?   watch text with audio

154) In MuleSoft, what precisely is a batch aggregator?   watch text with audio

155) In scatter-gather one route is taking 5 sec and second route is taking 3 sec to complete. How much time will it take to give output? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

156) In which time zone MuleSoft scheduler operates?   watch text with audio

157) Is it possible to connect two vpcs with ip addresses that are identical? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

158) Is it possible to use functions in dataweave expressions? If yes, then how?   watch text with audio

159) Is it possible to write comments in dataweave? If yes, then how?   watch text with audio

160) Is your Mule environment in on-premise or cloudhub or other environment ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

161) Latest version of anypoint studio?  watch text with audio

162) Latest version of Mule runtime ?   watch text with audio

163) List of flow processing strategies in MuleSoft.   watch text with audio

164) List out frequently used dataweave inbuilt functions?   watch text with audio

165) List out the primitives used in mediation. in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

166) mapobject in dataweave ?   watch text with audio

167) Mention the various types of variables in Mule   watch text with audio

168) Merge two arrays and remove duplicates in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

169) Mule won’t start? Check your Environment?    watch text with audio

170) Mule4 event structure    watch text with audio

171) MuleSoft Certifications list   watch text with audio

172) Name the configuration patters provided by the MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

173) Name the features in Mule ESB?   watch text with audio

174) Name the flow processing strategies in MuleSoft.   watch text with audio

175) Name the languages supported by MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

176) Name the technique of implementing a loop in mediation? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

177) Name the types of Exception Handling in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

178) Print the most repetitive character in a string ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

179) Raml full form & its recent version ?   watch text with audio

180) Reduce in dataweave ?   watch text with audio

181) Scaling an api. How do you do horizontal scaling and vertical scaling in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

182) Scheduler management in runtime manager? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

183) Structure of dataweave declaration in transform message ?   watch text with audio

184) Swap key-value pairs in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

185) Tell me the difference beteween synchronous and asynchronous?   watch text with audio

186) Throttling vs rate limiting: what's the difference? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

187) usage of runtime fabric ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

188) Use of map function? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

189) vm connector’s: publish vs publish consume in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

190) What are all the configurations required for implementing the JDBC Adapter? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

191) What are all the Primitives used in Mediation? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

192) What are anypoint connectors, and how do you use them? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

193) What Are Available Esbs Apart From Mule?   watch text with audio

194) What are batch jobs in Mule esb?    watch text with audio

195) What are clusters? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

196) What are connectors in MuleSoft?    watch text with audio

197) What are dedicated load balancers? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

198) What Are Differences Between Mule And Other Commercial Esbs ?   watch text with audio

199) What are flow processing strategies and what are the different types of it? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

200) What are message sources in Mule ESB?   watch text with audio

201) What are MuleSoft deployment options available?    watch text with audio

202) What are MuleSoft's integration patterns?   watch text with audio

203) What are some common errors that occur when writing dataweave scripts?   watch text with audio

204) What are some of the advantages of MuleSoft?  watch text with audio

205) What are some problems that Mule or MuleSoft tackles?   watch text with audio

206) What are some ways to optimize performance in dataweave?  watch text with audio

207) What are the 4 different ways to connect anypoint vpc to a private network?  watch text with audio

208) What are the advantages of SOAP? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

209) What are the advantages of using an esb? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

210) What are the advantages of using ESB?   watch text with audio

211) What are the advantages of using MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

212) What are the available resources used for modularizing configuration in Mule?   watch text with audio

213) What are the basic principles of esb integration?   watch text with audio

214) What are the benefits of the logger component? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

215) What are the characteristics of a global endpoint? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

216) What are the configuration patterns provided by MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

217) What are the connectors that support transactions? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

218) What are the differences between flow, private flow & sub flow? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

219) what are the different deployment options available in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

220) What are the different esbs in the market?   watch text with audio

221) What are the different primitives used in mediation? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

222) What are the different tools and services MuleSoft provides?   watch text with audio

223) What are the different types of configuration builders in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

224) What are the different types of endpoints in Mule esb?   watch text with audio

225) What are the different types of exception handling in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

226) What are the different types of flow processing strategies in MuleSoft?    watch text with audio

227) What are the different types of flow processing strategies?   watch text with audio

228) What are the different types of grants in oauth 2.0? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

229) What are the different types of messages in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

230) what are the different types of primitives used in mediation? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

231) What are the different types of variables used in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

232) What are the main characteristics of the global endpoint? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

233) What are the main differences between flow and subflow in Mule?    watch text with audio

234) What are the message sources in Mule esb?   watch text with audio

235) What are the models in MuleSoft studio?   watch text with audio

236) What are the most prominent features of Mule esb?   watch text with audio

237) What are the nfr consideration you do before design? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

238) What are the parameters to configure a scheduler? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

239) What are the policies you have implemented and explain it ? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

240) What are the requirements for building a dlb (dedicated load balancer)? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

241) What are the various parts of composing a message in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

242) What are the various types of endpoints in MuleSoft esb?  watch text with audio

243) What are the ways to improve the performance of the Mule application in MuleSoft?

244) What are the workers in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

245) What configuration is required for jdbc adaptor implementation? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

246) What connectors have you used? in MuleSoft    watch text with audio

247) What daily activities will you do once logged in to system? in MuleSoft  watch text with audio

248) What Difficulties Mule Does Encompass?   watch text with audio

249) What do you mean by correlation context? in MuleSoft   watch text with audio

250) What do you mean by flow in Mule?   watch text with audio

251) What do you mean by soap and what are some of the advantages of it?   watch text with audio

252) What do you understand by a shared resource in MuleSoft?   watch text with audio

253) What do you understand by endpoints in Mule?   watch text with audio

254) what do you understand by the transient context in MuleSoft?

255) What does the model layer of MuleSoft represent?

256) What does the statement “any point platform '' mean to MuleSoft?

257) What exactly is DataWeave?

258) What exactly is the eu control plane? in MuleSoft

259) What is a Choice Router? in MuleSoft

260) What is a component in Mule?

261) What is a connector in MuleSoft?

262) What is a Mule transformer?

263) What is a Mule UMO?

264) What is a multicasting router in Mule?

265) What is a policy / api policy? in MuleSoft

266) What is a Router in a MuleSoft?

267) What is a runtime manager in MuleSoft?

268) What is a Scatter-Gather Router? in MuleSoft

269) What is a shared resource in Mule?

270) What is a vCore MuleSoft?

271) What is an api autodiscovery? in MuleSoft

272) what is anypoint mq? in MuleSoft

273) What is api in MuleSoft, and what are its main features?

274) What is api manager? in MuleSoft

275) What is api? Define the most prominent features of api. in MuleSoft

276) What is apikit router? in MuleSoft

277) What is authentication & authorization ? in MuleSoft

278) What is Correlation Context? in MuleSoft

279) What is distributed file polling, and how does it work? in MuleSoft

280) What is endpoint url? in MuleSoft

281) What is fragment in raml? in MuleSoft

282) what is json logger? in MuleSoft

283) What is meant by Rate Limiting and Throttling policies in Mule?

284) What Is Model Layer In Mule?

285) What is Mule Data Integrator?

286) What is MuleSoft's api notebook?

287) What is MuleSoft's cloudhub?

288) What is nfr ? in MuleSoft

289) What is object store? in MuleSoft

290) What is payload in MuleSoft?

291) What is PCE? in MuleSoft

292) What is pluck in dataweave?

293) What is polling frequency in the file connector in MuleSoft?

294) what is queue / topic in MuleSoft

295) What is runtime fabric (rtfin MuleSoft?

296) What Is Service Layer In Mule?

297) What is Shared Context? in MuleSoft

298) What is shared resource in Mule and how have they been used?

299) What is streaming property in the file connector in MuleSoft?

300) What is Subflow in Mule?

301) What is the advantage of using Mule ESB?

302) What is the benefit of using MuleSoft design center?

303) What is the best way to call flow from within a data weave?

304) What is the best way to handle nulls/empty fields in dataweave?

305) What is the concept of correlation context? in MuleSoft

306) what is the definition of web services?

307) What is the difference between an api manager and an api gateway? in MuleSoft

308) What is the difference between callout and service invoke in MuleSoft?

309) What is the difference between ESB and JMS?

310) What is the difference between flow and subflow in Mule?

311) What is the difference between flow, sub flow and private flow and when to use them?

312) What is the difference between service invoke and callout? in MuleSoft

313) What is the Difference between Stop and fail? in MuleSoft

314) what is the error type reflected when one of the flows in scatter gather throws error? in MuleSoft

315) What is the full form of sdo? in MuleSoft

316) What is the full form of tsd in Mule?

317) What is the functionality of Fan-in and Fan-out? in MuleSoft

318) What is the latest version available for dataweave?

319) What is the Mule data integrator?

320) what is the Mule transformer or MuleSoft transformer?

321) What is the MuleSoft anypoint platform?

322) what is the payload in MuleSoft?

323) What is the polling frequency in the file connector in MuleSoft?

324) What is the purpose of identity management? in MuleSoft

325) What is the purpose of munits ? in MuleSoft

326) What is the purpose of the “do” keyword in dataweave? 

327) What is the purpose of the anypoint runtime plane?

328) What is the role of src/main/resources folder? in MuleSoft

329) What is the streaming property in the file connector in MuleSoft?

330) what is the transport service descriptor (tsdin Mule?

331) What is the Transport Service Descriptor in Mule?

332) what is the underlying component which used by anypoint mq?

333) What is the use of Filter in a MuleSoft?

334) What is the use of filter in Mule?

335) What is the use of Outbound Endpoint in MuleSoft?

336) What is the use of raml in MuleSoft?

337) What is the use of upsert operation in salesforce connector ? in MuleSoft

338) What is Transient Context? in MuleSoft

339) What Is Transport Layer In Mule?

340) What is virtual private cloud (vpc)? in MuleSoft

341) What is VM transport in MuleSoft?

342) what is watermarking in Mule 4?

343) What is worker & vcore ?

344) What is worker in MuleSoft?

345) What is xa transactions? in MuleSoft

346) What kind of issues which you have faced in MuleSoft production environment and how did you rectify?

347) What maven command we will use for deploy the application in to cloudhub? in MuleSoft

348) What MuleSoft deployment options are available?

349) What parameters are used in configuring a scheduler in MuleSoft?

350) What router is MuleSoft? 

351) what services and tools does MuleSoft provide?

352) What the various categories of Mule Processors?

353) What we can use for api testing other than munit? in MuleSoft

354) What will be the expected output if all the conditions in choice router comes out to be valid? in MuleSoft

355) What’s the difference between == and ~= ? in MuleSoft

356) What’s the difference between apply and map functions in dataweave?

357) What’s the difference between flow and subflow? in MuleSoft

358) What’s the difference between mapobject & pluck ? in MuleSoft

359) What’s the exact difference between put & patch http methods ? in MuleSoft

360) What’s the maximum memory you can allocate to each value in object store ? in MuleSoft

361) What’s the memory of logs a Mule application can get or allowed by default in cloudhub ?

362) What’s the output from for-each scope ? in MuleSoft

363) What’s the output from mapobject function ? in MuleSoft

364) When to use map & map object? in MuleSoft

365) Where to find the class Abstract Mule Test Case?

366) Where we use any point vpn? in MuleSoft

367) Which are the supported languages by MuleSoft?

368) Which flow(scan be called using lookup function ? in MuleSoft

369) Which is the replacement for message enriched in Mule4 ?

370) Which operation from object store will retrieve all the key value pairs? in MuleSoft

371) Which project methodologies are you working on ? in MuleSoft

372) Who is known as the father of MuleSoft?

373) Why am I getting ‘Unable to get resource from repository’ while building the Mule examples?

374) Why is Mule esb so popular?

375) Why is MuleSoft preferred over other esb implementations?

376) Why the Name Mule?

377) Write a dw script to check if the input is a prime number? in MuleSoft