
Saturday 11 November 2023

Custom events, child to parent In Vue.js

 Custom events, child to parent In Vue.js

Custom events are a powerful mechanism for communication between child components and parent components in Vue.js. They enable data flow in the opposite direction of props, allowing child components to notify parent components of events or changes that occur within their scope.

Creating and Emitting Custom Events in Child Components:

  1. Define Event Handlers: Within the child component's methods object, define event handlers for the events you want to emit. These handlers will typically perform some action and then emit the custom event.

  2. Emit the Custom Event: To emit the custom event, use the this.$emit() method. This method takes the event name as the first argument and any optional event data as subsequent arguments.

Example of Child-to-Parent Communication with Custom Events:

Consider a simplified example where a child component emits an event when a button is clicked:

Child Component (ButtonComponent.vue):


  <button @click="emitEvent">Click Me</button>

export default {
  methods: {
    emitEvent() {

In this example, the ButtonComponent component emits a buttonClicked event when the button is clicked.

Listening to Custom Events in Parent Components:

  1. Listen for Custom Events: In the parent component's template, add event listeners to the child component's custom element tag. These event listeners will handle the emitted events from the child component.

  2. Handle the Emitted Event: Within the parent component's methods object, define event handler functions for the custom events you are listening for. These handlers will receive the event data emitted by the child component.

Example of Parent Listening to Child Events:

Consider the parent component that will listen for the buttonClicked event:

Parent Component (App.vue):


    <ButtonComponent @buttonClicked="onButtonClicked" />
    <p>Button clicked: {{ buttonClickedCount }}</p>

import ButtonComponent from "./ButtonComponent.vue";

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      buttonClickedCount: 0,
  methods: {
    onButtonClicked() {

In this example, the App component listens for the buttonClicked event emitted by the ButtonComponent and increments a counter whenever the event is received.

Benefits of Using Custom Events:

  • Dynamic Communication: Child components can notify parent components of changes or events without relying on direct data binding.

  • Decoupling: Child components remain independent of parent components, promoting modularity and reusability.

  • Flexible Data Flow: Custom events can carry various types of data, allowing for richer communication between components.

Consider Alternative Communication Methods:

While custom events are versatile, consider other communication methods for specific use cases:

  • Props: Use props for passing data from parent to child unidirectionally.

  • Slots: Use slots for injecting content from parent to child in a structured manner.

  • Vuex or Pinia: For complex state management, consider using a state management library like Vuex or Pinia.

Choose the communication method that best suits the specific requirements and data flow patterns of your application.

Sure, here are some interview questions and answers for the topic of custom events and child-to-parent communication in Vue.js:

Q: What are custom events in Vue.js?

A: Custom events are a way for child components to notify parent components of events or changes that occur within their scope. They allow child components to communicate with parent components and trigger actions in response to events.

Q: Why are custom events important in Vue.js?

A: Custom events are important in Vue.js because they provide a flexible and decoupled way for child components to communicate with parent components. This makes it easier to write modular and reusable code.

Q: How do you create and emit custom events in a child component?

A: To create and emit a custom event in a child component, you will need to do the following:

  1. Define the event name. This is the name of the event that you will use to identify the event when you listen for it in the parent component.

  2. Create an event handler for the event. This is the function that will be called when the event occurs.

  3. Inside the event handler, emit the event using the this.$emit() method. This method takes the event name as the first argument and any optional event data as subsequent arguments.

Q: How do you listen for custom events in a parent component?

A: To listen for a custom event in a parent component, you will need to do the following:

  1. Add an event listener to the child component's custom element tag in the parent component's template. The event listener should be a reference to the function that you want to call when the event occurs.

  2. Define the event handler function in the parent component's JavaScript code. This function will be called when the event is emitted by the child component.

Q: When would you use custom events instead of props?

A: You would use custom events instead of props when you need to trigger an action in the parent component in response to an event that occurs in the child component. For example, you would use custom events to notify a parent component when a user clicks a button in a child component.

Q: When would you use props instead of custom events?

A: You would use props instead of custom events when you need to pass data from the parent component to the child component and you don't need to trigger any actions in response to the data change. For example, you would use props to pass a message from a parent component to a child component.

Q: What are some benefits of using custom events?

A: Some of the benefits of using custom events include:

  • Flexibility: Custom events can be used to communicate a wide variety of events and data.

  • Decoupling: Child components are not tightly coupled to parent components, making them more reusable.

  • Asynchronous Communication: Custom events allow for asynchronous communication between components.

Q: What are some considerations when using custom events?

A: Some considerations when using custom events include:

  • Event Naming: Choose event names that are clear and descriptive to avoid confusion.

  • Data Payload: Use event data sparingly to avoid unnecessary data transfer.

  • Overuse: Avoid overusing custom events for simple data passing; consider props instead.


Custom events are a powerful tool for child-to-parent communication in Vue.js. By understanding how to create and emit custom events, listen for custom events in parent components, and consider the benefits and considerations, you can effectively utilize this communication mechanism to build modular, maintainable, and responsive Vue.js applications.

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