
Friday, 10 November 2023

How to access data from outside vue instance

How to access data from outside vue instance

There are a few ways to access data from outside a Vue instance:

  • Expose a property or method: You can expose a property or method of a Vue instance by using the export keyword. This will make the property or method accessible from outside the Vue instance. For example:


export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, world!'
  methods: {
    showMessage() {

You can then access the message property and showMessage() method from outside the Vue instance as follows:


import MyComponent from './MyComponent.vue';

const myComponent = new MyComponent();

// Access the message property

// Call the showMessage method

  • Use a global event bus: A global event bus is a central place where components can communicate with each other. You can use a global event bus to send and receive data between Vue instances and other parts of your application. For example:


// Create a global event bus
const eventBus = new Vue();

// Register a listener for the my-event event
eventBus.$on('my-event', (data) => {

// Emit the my-event event from a Vue instance
this.$emit('my-event', { message: 'Hello, world!' });

You can then access the data emitted from the Vue instance outside the Vue instance as follows:


// Listen for the my-event event from outside the Vue instance
eventBus.$on('my-event', (data) => {

  • Use Vuex: Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js. Vuex provides a central store for data that can be accessed and modified from any part of your application. For example:


// Create a Vuex store
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    message: 'Hello, world!'

// Access the message property from a Vue instance

// Modify the message property from outside the Vue instance
store.commit('setMessage', 'New message!');

You can then access the modified message property from the Vue instance as follows:


// Access the message property from a Vue instance

The best way to access data from outside a Vue instance depends on your specific needs. If you need to access data from a single Vue instance, you can expose a property or method of the Vue instance. If you need to access data from multiple Vue instances or other parts of your application, you can use a global event bus or Vuex.

I hope this helps!

Interview questions and answers for how to access data from outside a Vue instance:

Q: How can you access data from outside a Vue instance?

A: There are a few ways to access data from outside a Vue instance, including:

  • Expose a property or method: You can expose a property or method of a Vue instance by using the export keyword. This will make the property or method accessible from outside the Vue instance.

  • Use a global event bus: A global event bus is a central place where components can communicate with each other. You can use a global event bus to send and receive data between Vue instances and other parts of your application.

  • Use Vuex: Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js. Vuex provides a central store for data that can be accessed and modified from any part of your application.

Q: When should you use each method?

A: You should use the best method for your specific needs. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Expose a property or method: Use this method when you need to access data from a single Vue instance from outside the Vue instance.

  • Use a global event bus: Use this method when you need to access data from multiple Vue instances or other parts of your application from outside a Vue instance.

  • Use Vuex: Use this method when you need to manage the state of your application centrally and make that data accessible from any part of your application.

Q: What are some best practices for accessing data from outside a Vue instance?

A: Here are some best practices for accessing data from outside a Vue instance:

  • Avoid accessing the Vue instance directly from outside the Vue instance. Instead, use one of the methods described above.

  • Use a consistent method for accessing data from outside Vue instances. This will make your code more predictable and easier to maintain.

  • Document how data is accessed from outside Vue instances. This will help other developers understand your code and make changes to it safely.

I hope this helps!

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