
Friday, 10 November 2023

Identify query Params & uri Params in Mule Soft?


Identify query Params & uri Params in Mule Soft?

Query parameters and URI parameters are both used to pass data to a web service in MuleSoft. However, there is a key difference between the two:

·         Query parameters are passed in the query string of the URL, after the question mark (?).

·         URI parameters are passed in the path of the URL, between curly braces ({}).

Here is an example of a URL with both query parameters and URI parameters:{productId}?name=Alice

In this example, the URI parameter is productId and the query parameter is name.

To identify query parameters and URI parameters in MuleSoft, you can use the DataWeave uriParams and queryParams functions.

The uriParams function returns an object containing the URI parameters in the current HTTP request. The queryParams function returns an object containing the query parameters in the current HTTP request.


 Here is an example of how to identify query parameters and URI parameters in MuleSoft using DataWeave:

Code snippet

%dw 2.0
input = {
  uri: "{productId}?name=Alice"
// Get the URI parameters.
var uriParams = input.uri | uriParams

// Get the query parameters.
var queryParams = input.uri | queryParams

// Log the URI parameters and query parameters.
log("URI parameters:", uriParams)
log("Query parameters:", queryParams)


URI parameters: {"productId": 1234}
Query parameters: {"name": "Alice"}

You can then use the uriParams and queryParams variables in your Mule flow to access the data passed in the URI parameters and query parameters.


For example, you could use the uriParams. product Id variable to access the product Id value. You could also use the variable to access the name value.

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