
Friday 10 November 2023

Flow reference is synchronous. True or False in Mule Soft


Flow reference is synchronous. True or False inMule Soft?


A flow reference is asynchronous in MuleSoft. This means that when you call a flow reference, the flow that is calling the reference does not wait for the referenced flow to finish processing before continuing.

Synchronous flows, on the other hand, wait for the flow that they call to finish processing before continuing.

The following table summarizes the key differences between synchronous flows and flow references in MuleSoft:


Synchronous flow

Flow reference




Waits for completion



Can be used to call other flows



Flow references are often used to implement asynchronous messaging scenarios. For example, a flow might use a flow reference to call a flow that sends an email notification. The flow that calls the reference would not wait for the email notification to be sent before continuing.

Synchronous flows are often used to implement synchronous messaging scenarios. For example, a flow might use a synchronous flow to call a flow that retrieves data from a database. The flow that calls the synchronous flow would wait for the data to be retrieved before continuing.


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