
Thursday, 9 November 2023

What is viewmodel / vue instance?

 What is viewmodel / vue instance?

A ViewModel, or Vue instance, is the central object in a Vue.js application. It manages the data and DOM for the application, and it provides a way for components to interact with each other.

The ViewModel is created when you mount a Vue component. It is responsible for creating and managing the DOM for the component, and it provides a way for the component to access and manipulate its data.

The ViewModel also provides a number of other features, such as:

  • Data binding: The ViewModel allows components to bind their data to the DOM. This makes it easy to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

  • Events: The ViewModel allows components to listen for and handle events. This allows components to respond to user interactions and other changes in the application.

  • State management: The ViewModel can be used to manage the state of the application. This allows components to share data and collaborate with each other.

The ViewModel is a powerful object that can be used to build complex and sophisticated Vue.js applications.

Here is an example of a simple Vue instance:


import Vue from 'vue';

const vm = new Vue({
  data() {
    return {
      name: 'Bard',

This code creates a new Vue instance called vm. The data() method defines a data property called name.

To render the Vue instance, you can use the mount() method:



This will mount the Vue instance to the element with the ID #app.

Once the Vue instance is mounted, you can access its data and DOM using the vm variable. For example, you can use the property to access the name data property, and you can use the vm.$el property to access the Vue instance's DOM element.

Vue instances are a powerful tool for building complex and sophisticated Vue.js applications.

Here are some interview questions and answers for the prompt "What is viewmodel / vue instance":

Q: What is a ViewModel / Vue instance?

A: A ViewModel, or Vue instance, is the central object in a Vue.js application. It manages the data and DOM for the application, and it provides a way for components to interact with each other.

Q: What are the main responsibilities of a Vue instance?

A: The main responsibilities of a Vue instance are to:

  • Manage the data for the application

  • Render the DOM for the application

  • Provide a way for components to interact with each other

Q: What are the benefits of using Vue instances?

A: The benefits of using Vue instances include:

  • They make it easy to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces

  • They simplify state management

  • They make it easy to develop reusable and maintainable code

Q: How do you create a Vue instance?

A: To create a Vue instance, you need to use the new Vue() constructor. The constructor takes an options object as an argument, which allows you to specify the data, components, and other options for the Vue instance.

Q: How do you render a Vue instance?

A: To render a Vue instance, you need to use the mount() method. The mount() method takes an element selector as an argument, which specifies the element in the DOM where the Vue instance should be rendered.

Q: How do you access the data of a Vue instance?

A: To access the data of a Vue instance, you can use the vm.$data property. The vm.$data property returns an object that contains all of the data properties for the Vue instance.

Q: How do you access the DOM of a Vue instance?

A: To access the DOM of a Vue instance, you can use the vm.$el property. The vm.$el property returns the root element of the Vue instance in the DOM.

I hope these questions and answers help you prepare for your interview!

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