What is a Fragment Identifier in a URL?
A fragment identifier, also known as an anchor link or hash fragment, is a part of a URL that follows the # symbol and points to a specific section within a web page or document. It doesn't refer to a separate resource but helps navigate within the existing content.
Here's a breakdown of its characteristics and how it works:
Follows the # symbol at the end of a URL (e.g., https://www.example.com/page.html#section2).
Can contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and periods.
Needs to correspond to an id attribute value of an element within the HTML document.
When a user clicks a link containing a fragment identifier, the browser scrolls the page to bring the targeted element with the matching id attribute into view.
Useful for creating internal links within long pages with various sections or creating one-page websites with navigation within the same document.
Improves navigation within long pages for better user experience.
Allows users to share specific sections of a page easily (e.g., sharing a specific comment in a forum thread).
Can aid accessibility by allowing screen readers to jump to specific sections based on id landmarks.
Creating Fragment Links:
You can create links with fragment identifiers in HTML using the <a> tag with the href attribute specifying the full URL followed by the # symbol and the target id:
<a href="#section2">Jump to Section 2</a>
You can also target elements that don't have a visible representation on the page (e.g., hidden elements or elements used for accessibility purposes).
Fragment identifiers don't create separate pages or resources.
They solely focus on internal navigation within a single document.
Use them effectively to enhance the user experience and accessibility of your web pages.
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