
Friday 9 February 2024

What are the 2 ways to include Bootstrap framework for your website. 093

 What are the 2 ways to include Bootstrap framework for your website.

There are two main ways to include the Bootstrap framework for your website:

1. Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN):

  • This is the easiest and most widely used method. You can directly link to Bootstrap's CDN libraries in your HTML file, including the CSS and JavaScript components. This avoids the need to download and maintain the files locally, saving disk space and bandwidth.

Here's an example of including Bootstrap CSS and JS from a CDN:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-R5xGnzp4zHbsQ7EEXNEx3jZDAiGfW+RjYrWpKDvwn0NfwWQNdkZ3YrtXXzxQrgjF" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" integrity="sha384-glZK9Gg9uH2icyWZHCTznvnTbDYbsJ4xJl4KzONM9ZqEYxDkQhQ+T9WczvhLLZX8" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

2. Downloading and Hosting Locally:

  • This method gives you more control over the files and allows for potential customization. You can download the latest Bootstrap package from the official website and host the CSS and JavaScript files on your own server. This approach can be faster for users visiting your site regularly from the same server location.

Here are the steps involved in downloading and hosting locally:

  1. Download the Bootstrap package from

  2. Extract the downloaded files to a location on your web server.

  3. Include the paths to the CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="path/to/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>

Choosing the Right Method:

  • For most cases, using a CDN is recommended. It's easier to set up, requires less maintenance, and ensures users benefit from cached versions of the files on their local network.

  • Choose local hosting if you need customization or have specific performance requirements. However, make sure to update the files regularly to benefit from security patches and new features.

Remember, regardless of the chosen method, ensure you're using the latest Bootstrap version for optimal performance and security.



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