
Saturday 18 November 2023

What are props in Vuejs explain with example

 What are props in Vuejs explain with example

In Vue.js, props are custom attributes that allow you to pass data from a parent component to its child components. This enables data flow between components and facilitates communication between different parts of your application. Props are analogous to arguments in functions, providing a way to configure and customize child components based on the data they receive from their parent components.

Consider a scenario where you have a parent component that displays a list of products. Each product item should have a reusable component to represent its details, such as the product name, image, description, and price. Using props, you can pass the specific product data to each child component, allowing it to render the corresponding product information dynamically.

Here's an example of how to define and use props in Vue.js:

Parent Component (products.vue)


  <div class="product-list">

 v-for="product in products"





import ProductCard from


export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      products: [
        { id: 1, name: 'Product 1', image: 'product1.jpg', description: 'Detailed description', price: 19.99 },
        { id: 2, name: 'Product 2', image: 'product2.jpg', description: 'Another detailed description', price: 24.99 },
        { id: 3, name: 'Product 3', image: 'product3.jpg', description: 'Yet another detailed description', price: 29.99 }

This parent component defines a data array containing product information and iterates over it, dynamically rendering a product-card component for each product. The :product attribute is used to pass the corresponding product object to the child component.

Child Component (ProductCard.vue)


  <div class="product-card">
    <img :src="product.image" alt="Product image">
    <h2>{{ }}</h2>
    <p>{{ product.description }}</p>
    <span class="price">{{ product.price }}</span>
    <button @click="addToCart">Add to Cart</button>

export default {
  props: {
    product: Object
  methods: {
    addToCart() {
      // Add product to the cart
      console.log('Adding product to cart:', this.product);

This child component defines props to receive product data from the parent component and uses it to render the product details within its template. The product prop is bound to the product data property, allowing the component to access the product information.

Props enable you to create reusable components that can be configured and customized based on the data they receive. This promotes modularity, separation of concerns, and code reusability, making it easier to develop and maintain complex Vue.js applications.



Sure, here are some interview questions and answers for the topic of props in Vue.js:

Q: What are props in Vue.js?

A: Props are custom attributes that allow you to pass data from a parent component to its child components. They provide a way to configure and customize child components based on the data they receive, enabling communication and data flow between different parts of your application.

Q: How do you define props in Vue.js?

A: Props are defined in the child component's script using the props property. This property is an object that specifies the names and types of props the component accepts. For example:


props: {
  product: Object,
  title: String,
  isActive: Boolean

Q: How do you pass props from a parent component to a child component?

A: Props are passed from a parent component to a child component using attributes in the parent component's template. The attribute name should match the prop name in the child component, and the attribute value should be the data you want to pass. For example:



Q: What are the benefits of using props in Vue.js?

A: Props offer several advantages:

  1. Modular development: Props enable you to create reusable components that can be configured and customized based on the data they receive.

  2. Separation of concerns: Props promote separation of concerns by encapsulating data and presentation within components, making the code easier to manage and maintain.

  3. Data flow management: Props provide a structured way to manage data flow between components, ensuring that child components have access to the data they need to function properly.

  4. Code reusability: Components that rely on props become more reusable, as they can be used in different contexts with different data configurations.

Q: What are some best practices for using props in Vue.js?

A: Best practices for using props include:

  1. Descriptive prop names: Use clear and descriptive names for props to enhance code readability and maintainability.

  2. Prop validation: Implement prop validation to ensure that the data passed to props is of the correct type and format, preventing unexpected behavior.

  3. Default prop values: Provide default prop values for optional props to handle situations where no data is passed.

  4. Data normalization: Normalize and structure data before passing it to props to ensure consistent and usable data within child components.

  5. Prop documentation: Document the props and their usage in the component's documentation to provide clear instructions for developers using the component.

By following these best practices, you can effectively utilize props to create well-structured, maintainable, and reusable components in your Vue.js applications.

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