
Saturday 18 November 2023

How do you communicate from child to parent using events in Vuejs explain with example

 How do you communicate from child to parent using events in Vuejs explain with example

In Vue.js, communication from a child component to its parent component is primarily achieved through events. Events allow the child component to notify the parent component of actions or changes that occur within the child component. This enables a parent component to react to events triggered by its child, enabling data flow and interaction between components.

To implement child-to-parent communication using events, follow these steps:

1. Define an Event in the Child Component:

In the child component's script, define an event using the this.$emit() method. Specify the event name and any data you want to pass along with the event. For example:


this.$emit('productSelected', selectedProduct);

2. Listen for the Event in the Parent Component:

In the parent component's template, use the v-on directive to listen for the event emitted by the child component. Specify the event name and the handler function that will be executed when the event is triggered. For instance:


<product-card v-on:productSelected="onProductSelected"></product-card>

3. Define the Event Handler in the Parent Component:

In the parent component's script, define the event handler function that will be called when the event is triggered. The handler function can receive the data passed along with the event as an argument. For example:


methods: {
  onProductSelected(product) {
    console.log('Product selected:', product);
    // Perform actions based on the selected product

This establishes a communication pathway between the child and parent components. The child component can trigger the event, and the parent component can respond to it, enabling data propagation and interaction between the components.

Sure, here are some interview questions and answers for the topic of child-to-parent communication using events in Vue.js:

Q: How does a child component communicate with its parent component in Vue.js?

A: Child-to-parent communication in Vue.js is primarily achieved through events. Child components emit events using the this.$emit() method, and parent components listen for these events using the v-on directive and handle the event using a corresponding method.

Q: What is the purpose of using events for child-to-parent communication?

A: Events enable child components to notify parent components of actions or changes that occur within the child component. This allows parent components to react to events triggered by their child components, enabling data flow and interaction between components.

Q: How do you define an event in a child component?

A: To define an event in a child component, use the this.$emit() method in the child component's script. Specify the event name and any data you want to pass along with the event. For example:


this.$emit('productSelected', selectedProduct);

Q: How do you listen for an event in a parent component?

A: To listen for an event in a parent component, use the v-on directive in the parent component's template. Specify the event name and the handler function that will be executed when the event is triggered. For instance:


<product-card v-on:productSelected="onProductSelected"></product-card>

Q: What is the role of the event handler function in the parent component?

A: The event handler function in the parent component is responsible for handling the event when it is triggered by the child component. It receives the data passed along with the event as an argument and can perform actions based on the received data.

Q: What are some considerations when using events for child-to-parent communication?

A: When using events for child-to-parent communication, consider these aspects:

  • Event naming: Use clear and descriptive event names to enhance code readability and avoid confusion.

  • Event payload: Carefully structure the data passed along with events to ensure its relevance and usability in the parent component.

  • Event handling: Handle events appropriately in the parent component, avoiding unnecessary data propagation or unexpected behavior.

  • Event documentation: Document event usage and data expectations in the parent component's documentation for clear instructions.

By following these guidelines and considerations, you can effectively utilize events to establish a robust and organized communication channel between child and parent components in your Vue.js applications.

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