
Saturday 4 November 2023

What is the use of upsert operation in sales force connector


What is the use of upsert operation in salesforce connector 

The upsert operation in the Salesforce Connector is used to either insert or update a record in Salesforce, depending on whether or not the record already exists. The upsert operation uses the record's external ID to determine whether to insert or update the record. If the external ID is not matched, then a new record is created. If the external ID is matched once, then the existing record is updated. If the external ID is matched multiple times, then an error is reported.

The upsert operation is a useful way to ensure that your Salesforce data is always up-to-date, even if the data is being updated from multiple sources. For example, you could use the upsert operation to update your Salesforce data from a CRM system, an ERP system, and an e-commerce platform.

Here are some of the benefits of using the upsert operation in the Salesforce Connector:

·         Ensures that your Salesforce data is always up-to-date

·         Reduces the number of API calls required to update your Salesforce data

·         Improves the performance of your Mule applications

·         Makes your Mule applications more robust and reliable

To use the upsert operation in the Salesforce Connector, you need to specify the following information:

·         The external ID of the record to be upserted

·         The object type of the record to be upserted

·         The fields of the record to be upserted

You can use the following Mule components to upsert records in Salesforce:

·         Upsert component

·         UpsertAsync component

The Upsert component upserts records synchronously, while the UpsertAsync component upserts records asynchronously.

Here is an example of how to use the Upsert component to upsert a record in Salesforce:



<upsert objectType="Account" externalIdFieldName="AccountId">
<field name="Name" value="My Account"/>

This code will upsert an account record in Salesforce with the name "My Account". The external ID field name for the account object is "AccountId".

I hope this helps!


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