
Saturday 23 March 2024

Azure Data Engineer Online Training in hyderabad

Azure Data Engineer Online Training in Hyderabad

Introduction to Azure

·      Introduction to Azure Cloud

·      What is difference between Azure Cloud and On-Premises

·      What is Subscriptions and Resource Groups

·      Different offerings of Cloud IaaS, PaaS and SaaS

·      Creation of Virtual Machine


Introduction to Storage

·      Azure Storage

o  Azure Blob

o  Table

o  Message

o   Queue

·       Azure Data Lake Store Gen I & Gen II

o  What is Data Lake

o  Data Lake vs. Hadoop

o  Blob Storage vs. Data Lake

o  Hierarchical Namespace

o  Ingestion through different tools i.e.; Azure Data Explorer,  AzCopy,  Azure CLI, Powershell


Introduction to Azure SQL Database


·      Introduction to Azure SQL Database

·      Why choosing SQL Server in Azure

·      Azure IaaS vs. PaaS database offerings

·      IaaS vs. Managed Instance

·      SQL Server PaaS deployment options

·      Demo - Azure Single Database

·      Purchasing models and Service Tier

·      Azure Database vs. Azure Data Warehouse

·      Elastic Database Pool

o  Introduction

o  Azure Elastic Database

o  Demo - Azure Elastic Database

·      Managed Instance Database

o  Introduction

o  Azure Managed Instance Database

o  Difference between on-premises and managed instance

o  Migration options for Managed Instance

o  Service tiers for Managed Instance

o  Demo - Managed Instance


·      Azure Database Security

o  Introduction

o  Azure Database and Managed Instance Security options

o  Encrypting Data at Rest and Motion

o  High Availability vs. Disaster Recovery

o  RTO vs. RPO

o  Azure SQL Database High Availability and Disaster Recovery options

o  Azure SQL Database Scaling     

·       Installation of SQL Server 2016 and above in Virtual Machine

·       Creation of External Table or PolyBase in On-Premise SQL Server 

o  Creation of Master Key

o  Creation of Database Scoped Credential

o  Creation of External Data Source

o  Creation  of External File Format

o  Creation of External Table

·       Creation of External Table or PolyBase in Azure SQL Data Warehouse

o  Creation of Master Key

o  Creation of Database Scoped Credential

o  Creation of External Data Source

o  Creation  of External File Format

o  Creation of External Table

·       Different Distribution or Shredding Patterns




·       Cross Query Databases in Azure SQL Database

o  Creation of Master Key

o  Creation of Database Scoped Credential

o  Creation of External Data Source

o  Creation of External Table

·       Creation of Elastic Pools in Azure SQL Server between Databases


Data Warehouse Internals and Architecture

·      Introduction

·      Azure Synapse MPP Architecture

·      Storage and Sharding patterns

·      Data Distribution and Distributing Keys

·      Data Types and Table Types

·      Partitioning

·      Data Warehouse Concepts

·      Dimensions and Facts

·      Types of Dimensions and Facts

·      Different types of Schemas in Data Warehouse

·      Relationship types in Data Warehouse

·      Best Practices for Fact and Dimension tables

·      Demo - Analyze Data distribution before migration to Azure Synapse



Azure Data Factory

·      Introduction to Azure Data Factory

·      Creation of Linked Services,  Datasets, Pipelines

·      Creation of Integration Runtime and different types

·      Slowly Changing Dimensions

·      Design and implement a Type 1 slowly changing dimension with mapping data flows

·      Debug data factory pipelines

·      Understand the Azure SSIS Integration Runtime

·      Set-up Azure SSIS Integration Runtime

·      Run SSIS Package in Azure Data Factory

·      Migrate SSIS Packages to Azure Data Factory

·      Integrate SQL Server Integration Services Packages within Azure Data Factory

·      Activities

o  Copy

o  Data flow

o  Stored Procedure

o   Lookup

o  ForEach

o  Get Metadata

o  Filter Activity

o  Spark

o  U-SQL

o  Databricks Notebooks

o   Web

o  If Condition

o  Delete

·      Data Flows

o  Derived Column

o   Join

o   filter

o   exists

o   conditional split

o  Lookup, Exists

o  Select

o   Aggregate

o   Rank

o   Filter

o   Sort

o  Alter Row

·      Dynamic Queries in ADF

·      Sending mails through Logic Apps

·      Few more Activities ......

·      Dataset and Pipeline Parameterization

·      Monitor -- Azure and Visually

·      Setup Alerts from Azure Data Factory


Realize Integrated Analytical Solutions with Azure Synapse Analytics


·      Introduction

·      What is Azure Synapse Analytics

·      How Azure Synapse Analytics works

·      When to use Azure Synapse Analytics

·      Create Azure Synapse Analytics workspace

·      Exercise - Create and manage Azure Synapse Analytics workspace

·      Describe Azure Synapse Analytics SQL

·      Explain Apache Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics

·      Exercise - Create pools in Azure Synapse Analytics

·      Orchestrate data integration with Azure Synapse pipelines

·      Exercise-Identifying Azure Synapse pipeline components

·      Visualize your analytics with Power BI

·      Understand hybrid transactional analytical processing with Azure Synapse Link

·      Use Azure Synapse Studio

·      Understand the Azure Synapse Analytical processes

·      Explore the Data hub, Develop hub, Integrate hub

·      Explore the Monitor hub, Manage hub

·      Describe a modern data warehouse

·      Define a modern data warehouse architecture

·      Exercise - Identify modern data warehouse architecture components

·      Design ingestion patterns for a modern data warehouse

·      Understand data storage for a modern data warehouse

·      Understand file formats and structure for a modern data warehouse

·      Prepare and transform data with Azure Synapse Analytics

·      Serve data for analysis with Azure Synapse Analytics




Azure Synapse Analytics



·      Why Warehouse in cloud

·      Traditional vs. Modern Warehouse architecture

·      What is Synapse Analytics Service

·      Create Dedicated SQL Pool and Spark Pool

·      Create Azure Synapse Analytics Studio Workspace

·      Analyze Data using Dedicated SQL Pool and Spark Pool

·      Analyze Data using Apache Spark Notebook

·      Analyze Data using Serverless SQL Pool

·      Azure Synapse Benefits





Azure  Event Hub, IoT Hub and Azure Stream Analytics


·      Introduction to Azure Event Hub, IoT Hub and Stream Analytics

·      Azure Stream Analytics Job

·      Azure Stream Analytics  Components

·       Azure Stream Analytics Job

·      Batching Streaming using Azure Event Hub

·      Real Time Streaming using Azure IoT Hub

·      Types of Window Functions

o  Tumbling Window

o  Hoping Window

o  Sliding Window

o  Session Window


 Azure Databricks


·      Spark Basics

·      Why Spark is difficult? Why Databricks Evolved?

·      Why Databricks in Cloud? Introduction to Azure Databricks

·      Demo

·      Provision Databricks, Clusters and workbook

·      Mount Data Lake to Databricks DBFS

·      Explore, Analyze, Clean, Transform and Load Data in Databricks

·      Azure Databricks Clusters

·      Azure Databricks other Important Components

·      Databricks - Monitoring

·      How to create Cluster

·      How to work with Databricks File System

·      How to create notebooks and Integrate with ADF

·      How to import  and export the Notebooks

·      How to connect to blob, SQL DB from Databricks

·      How to read data files from Azure Blob and Azure Data Lake Store  

§  Using Scala, R, Python, Spark SQL Language

·      Creating Data Frames

·      Converting Data Frames into Temporary Table or Temporary View

·      Incremental and Full Load with Azure SQL Data Warehouse

·      Understand the architecture of Azure Databricks spark cluster

·      Understand the architecture of spark job

·      Read data in CSV format

·      Read data in JSON format

·      Read data in Parquet format

·      Read data stored in tables and views

·      Write data

·      Describe a DataFrame

·      Use common DataFrame methods

·      Use the display function

·      Exercise: Distinct articles

·      Describe the difference between eager and lazy execution

·      Describe the fundamentals of how the Catalyst Optimizer works

·      Define and identify actions and transformations

·      Describe the column class

·      Work with column expressions

·      Perform date and time manipulation

·      Use aggregate functions

·      Exercise: Deduplication of data

·      Describe the Azure Databricks platform architecture

·      Perform data protection

·      Describe Azure key vault and Databricks security scopes

·      Secure access with Azure IAM and authentication

·      Describe security

·      Exercise: Access Azure Storage with key vault-backed secrets

·      Describe the open source Delta Lake

·      Exercise: Work with basic Delta Lake functionality

·      Describe how Azure Databricks manages Delta Lake

·      Exercise: Use the Delta Lake Time Machine and perform optimization

·      Describe Azure Databricks structured streaming

·      Perform stream processing using structured streaming

·      Work with Time Windows

·      Process data from Event Hubs with structured streaming

·      Describe bronze, silver, and gold architecture

·      Perform batch and stream processing

·      Schedule Databricks jobs in a data factory pipeline

·      Pass parameters into and out of Databricks jobs in data factory

·      Integrate with Azure Synapse Analytics

·      Understand workspace administration best practices

·      List security best practices

·      Describe tools and integration best practices

·      Explain Databricks runtime best practices

·      Understand cluster best practices




Azure Cosmos DB


        Introduction to NoSQL DB

·      Introduction to NoSQL

·      SQL  vs.  NoSQL

·      Types of NoSQL

·      NoSQL Offerings by Microsoft


        Introduction to Cosmos DB

·      Cosmos DB Features

·      Cosmos DB  -  Multi Model 5 APIs

·      Table Storage vs. Cosmos DB

·      Provision Cosmos DB Account



On-Premise Databases Migration

·      DMS -- Database Migration Service

·      On-Premise SQL Server to Azure Virtual Machine

·      On-Premise SQL Server to Azure SQL Server















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