
Friday, 3 November 2023

What is the maximum memory you can allocate to each value in object store


What is the maximum memory you can allocate toeach value in object store

The maximum memory you can allocate to each value in Object Store is 10 MB. This limit is applied to both persistent and transient values.

If you need to store a value that is larger than 10 MB, you can split the value into multiple values and store each value in a separate Object Store entry. You can then use a custom Mule component to combine the values when you need to access them.

Another option is to use a different storage mechanism, such as a database or a distributed cache, to store large values. You can then use the Object Store to store references to the values in the other storage mechanism.

Here are some examples of how to store large values in Object Store:

·         Split the value into multiple values:


// Split the value into multiple values.
List<String> values = Arrays.asList(largeValue.split(","));

// Store each value in a separate Object Store entry.
for (String value : values) {
    objectStore.set(key, value);

·         Use a custom Mule component to combine the values:


// Create a custom Mule component that combines the values.
public class CombineValuesComponent extends AbstractMuleProcessor {

    private final ObjectStore objectStore;

    public CombineValuesComponent(ObjectStore objectStore) {
        this.objectStore = objectStore;

    public void process(MuleEvent event) throws Exception {
        // Get the list of values from the event.
        List<String> values = event.getMessage().getPayloadAsCollection(String.class);

        // Combine the values into a single string.
        String combinedValue = String.join(",", values);

        // Set the combined value on the event.

·         Use a different storage mechanism to store large values:


// Store the large value in a database or a distributed cache.
String largeValueId = database.insert(largeValue);

// Store a reference to the large value in Object Store.
objectStore.set(key, largeValueId);

Which method you choose to use will depend on your specific requirements. If you need to be able to access the large value frequently, then it may be best to split the value into multiple values and store each value in a separate Object Store entry. However, if you only need to access the large value occasionally, then it may be more efficient to use a different storage mechanism to store the large value and store a reference to the large value in Object Store.

I hope this helps!


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