
Thursday, 18 January 2024

What is the structure of async component factory in Vuejs explain with example? 082

 What is the structure of async component factory in Vuejs explain with example?

Here's a breakdown of the structure of async component factories in Vue.js, along with examples:


  • defineAsyncComponent function: This function creates an async component factory. It accepts a single argument, which is a loading function that returns a Promise resolving to the component definition.

  • Loading function: This function is responsible for asynchronously fetching the component's definition, typically using dynamic imports. It returns a Promise that resolves to the component's options object or a component constructor.

  • Component options object or constructor: This represents the component to be loaded, either as an object containing its options or a constructor function.



import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue';

const asyncComponent = defineAsyncComponent(() =>


  1. defineAsyncComponent: Creates a factory for the async component.

  2. Loading function: The arrow function passed as an argument handles the asynchronous loading.

  3. Dynamic import: The import('./MyComponent.vue') statement dynamically imports the component's definition, returning a Promise.

  4. Promise resolution: When the Promise resolves, it provides the component's options object or constructor, allowing Vue to render it.

Additional Notes:

  • The loading function can handle loading states and errors, providing flexibility in managing asynchronous component loading.

  • Async components can be used with <keep-alive> and error boundaries to enhance user experience and robustness.

  • For more complex scenarios, you can create custom async component factories with additional logic or error handling.

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