
Wednesday 14 February 2024

What are Pipes? What are the types of Pipes & Parameterized Pipes Angular?029

 What are Pipes? What are the types of Pipes & Parameterized Pipes Angular?

Pipes in Angular: Transforming Data for Display

In Angular, pipes are specialized tools that transform data before it's displayed in your templates. They act as filters, formatters, or converters, taking input data and returning a modified version optimized for presentation. This helps you ensure data is displayed in a user-friendly, readable, and contextually relevant format.

Types of Pipes:

Angular provides several built-in pipes for common transformations, and you can create custom pipes for specific needs. Here are some main categories:

  • Formatting Pipes:

  • DatePipe: Formats dates according to locale rules and specified formats.

  • CurrencyPipe: Displays numbers as currency values with symbols and formatting.

  • PercentPipe: Formats numbers as percentages.

  • DecimalPipe: Formats numbers with a specific number of decimal places.

  • Conversion Pipes:

  • AsyncPipe: Converts asynchronous data streams (like Observables) to values for display.

  • JsonPipe: Converts JSON data to a formatted string.

  • Custom Pipes:

  • You can create pipes to implement your own data transformation logic for specific use cases.

Parameterized Pipes:

Many built-in pipes accept parameters to fine-tune the transformation. For example, DatePipe takes a format string parameter to customize the date output. Here's the syntax:


{{ value | pipeName:parameter1:parameter2 }}

Benefits of Using Pipes:

  • Improved data presentation: Enhance user experience by displaying data in a clear and consistent format.

  • Separation of concerns: Keep transformation logic separate from templates, promoting clarity and maintainability.

  • Reusable transformations: Share the same pipe across multiple components for consistent formatting.


  • Displaying a date:


{{ myDate | date:'longDate' }}

  • Formatting a currency:


{{ price | currency:'USD' }}

  • Filtering an array:


{{ items | slice:1:3 }}

Additional Notes:

  • Pipes are pure functions, meaning they produce the same output for the same input, ensuring predictable behavior.

  • Consider performance implications when using complex pipes frequently.

  • Choose the appropriate pipe based on the desired transformation and available options.

By effectively using pipes, you can significantly enhance the presentation of your data in Angular applications, creating a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions or specific pipe use cases you'd like to explore!

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