
Wednesday, 14 February 2024

What is *ngFor Structural directive Angular?022

 What is *ngFor Structural directive Angular?

In Angular, the *ngFor structural directive is an essential tool for iterating over collections of data and dynamically creating elements for each item within your template. This enables you to display lists, tables, grids, and other data-driven UI components efficiently.

How it Works:

  • You use the *ngFor directive with an expression in the form *ngFor="let item of items" on an opening HTML tag, like this:


<div *ngFor="let item of items">

  • The items variable in this example represents the collection of data to iterate over. It can be an array, object, or any iterable data structure.

  • For each item in the collection, Angular creates a new instance of the element and its content, replacing the let item placeholder with the actual item data for that iteration.

Key Points:

  • The expression can involve accessing properties or methods of the iterated items using item.

  • You can optionally define an index variable using let i = index within the *ngFor expression to access the index of each item during iteration.

  • *ngFor efficiently tracks changes in the underlying collection and updates the UI accordingly, adding, removing, or reordering elements as needed.

*Benefits of Using ngFor:

  • Dynamic data display: Enables efficient rendering of lists, tables, and other data-driven UI components without manual element creation.

  • Improved maintainability: Keeps data iteration logic within the template, promoting separation of concerns.

  • Simplified code: Offers a concise and readable way to iterate over collections and display data.



  <li *ngFor="let hero of heroes">
    {{ }} - {{ hero.power }}

This example iterates over a heroes array and creates a list item for each hero, displaying their name and power.

Additional Notes:

  • For complex scenarios, consider using *ngForTrackBy to improve performance by providing a custom tracking function.

  • Combine *ngFor with other directives like *ngIf to conditionally render content within each iteration.

  • Always remember to close the *ngFor directive with a closing tag to avoid syntax errors.

By mastering *ngFor, you can effectively handle data collections in your Angular applications, creating clean and scalable data-driven UIs. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions or specific use cases you'd like to explore!

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