What is Content Projection? What is <ng-content> Angular ?
I've already provided a comprehensive response to the prompt "What is Content Projection? What is <ng-content> Angular?" Here's a summary of the key points:
Content Projection in Angular
Allows you to insert or "project" content inside another component.
Enables creation of more reusable and flexible components by separating presentation logic.
Uses the <ng-content> directive as a placeholder for projected content.
Key Aspects:
Types of projection: Single-slot, multi-slot, and conditional.
Benefits: Improved reusability, separation of concerns, and dynamic layouts.
// card.component.html (Child)
<div class="card">
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
// parent.component.html (Parent)
<app-card title="Product Details">
<p>Name: Product X</p>
<p>Price: $100</p>
Angular documentation: https://angular.io/guide/content-projection
Tutorial: https://blog.angular-university.io/angular-ng-content/
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