
Wednesday 20 March 2024

List out frequently used dataweave inbuilt functions?164

  List out frequently used dataweave inbuilt functions?

DataWeave offers a rich set of built-in functions for various data manipulation tasks. Here are some frequently used functions categorized by their purpose:

General manipulation:

  • Concatenation:

  • dw::core::++: Combines two strings or arrays.

  • Conditional logic:

  • isEmpty: Checks if a value is empty (null, "", or []).

  • contains: Determines if a string contains a specific substring.

  • Iteration and transformation:

  • map: Applies an expression to each element in an array and returns a new array.

  • filter: Creates a new array containing elements that match a specific condition.

  • Aggregations:

  • min: Returns the element with the lowest value in an array.

  • max: Returns the element with the highest value in an an array.

  • avg: Calculates the average of numeric values in an array.

  • Type conversion:

  • dw::util::Coercions.toArray: Converts a value to an array.

String manipulation:

  • Case conversion:

  • camelize: Converts a string to camelCase.

  • capitalize: Capitalizes the first letter of a string.

  • Searching and extraction:

  • startsWith: Checks if a string starts with a specific substring.

  • endsWith: Checks if a string ends with a specific substring.

  • substring: Extracts a portion of a string.

  • Formatting:

  • trim: Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

  • replace: Replaces occurrences of a substring with another string.

Date and Time:

  • Date manipulation:

  • dw::core::Dates.format: Formats a date according to a specific pattern.

  • dw::core::Dates.daysBetween: Calculates the number of days between two dates.

  • Time conversion:

  • dw::core::Dates.parse: Parses a string into a date object.


  • Filtering and transformation:

  • filter: Creates a new array containing elements that match a condition.

  • flatMap: Applies an expression to each element in an array and flattens the results.

  • Aggregations:

  • countBy: Counts the occurrences of each unique value in an array.

  • sumBy: Calculates the sum of a specific property across all elements in an array.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights some of the most commonly used DataWeave functions. You can find a comprehensive reference of all functions in the MuleSoft documentation

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