
Saturday, 9 October 2021

CURDATE,CURTIME,date,DATEDIFF date functions sql videos in telugu 50

The DATE_FORMAT() function formats a date as specified.

DATE_FORMAT(date, format)

Format  Description
   %a  Abbreviated weekday name (Sun to Sat)
   %b  Abbreviated month name (Jan to Dec)
   %c  Numeric month name (0 to 12)
   %D  Day of the month as a numeric value, followed by suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...)
   %d  Day of the month as a numeric value (08 to 31)
   %e  Day of the month as a numeric value (8 to 31)
   %f  Microseconds (000000 to 999999)
   %H  Hour (00 to 23)
   %h  Hour (00 to 12)
   %I  Hour (00 to 12)
   %i  Minutes (00 to 59)
   %j  Day of the year (001 to 366)
   %k  Hour (0 to 23)
   %l  Hour (1 to 12)
   %M  Month name in full (January to December)
   %m  Month name as a numeric value (00 to 12)
   %p  AM or PM
   %r  Time in 12 hour AM or PM format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM)
   %S  Seconds (00 to 59)
   %s  Seconds (00 to 59)
   %T  Time in 24 hour format (hh:mm:ss)
   %U  Week where Sunday is the first day of the week (00 to 53)
   %u  Week where Monday is the first day of the week (00 to 53)
   %V  Week where Sunday is the first day of the week (01 to 53). Used with    %X
   %v  Week where Monday is the first day of the week (01 to 53). Used with    %x
   %W  Weekday name in full (Sunday to Saturday)
   %w  Day of the week where Sunday=0 and Saturday=6
   %X  Year for the week where Sunday is the first day of the week. Used with    %V
   %x  Year for the week where Monday is the first day of the week. Used with    %v
   %Y  Year as a numeric, 4-digit value
   %y  Year as a numeric, 2-digit value

SELECT DATE_FORMAT("2021-06-04", "%W %M %e %Y");
SELECT DATE_FORMAT("2021-06-04", "%M %d %Y");

to day is monday 2nd janu 2021  week num is 23
SELECT DATE_FORMAT("2021-06-04", " today is %W %D %M %Y week num is %V");


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# ram.cmd
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Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use vlrinst;
Database changed
MariaDB [vlrinst]> selct * from vlr;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'selct * from vlr' at line 1
MariaDB [vlrinst]> select * from vlr;
| comment                             | created_at          | changed_at          |
| Please save my number +919059868766 | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 | 2021-05-26 22:36:50 |
| please subcribe vlr                 | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.094 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,%a),created_at from vlr;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '%a),created_at from vlr' at line
MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%a"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%a") | created_at          |
| Wed                          | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| Wed                          | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.044 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%a"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%a") | created_at          |
| Wed                          | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| Wed                          | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%a,%b"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%a,%b") | created_at          |
| Wed,May                         | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| Wed,May                         | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%a,%b,%c"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%a,%b,%c") | created_at          |
| Wed,May,5                          | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| Wed,May,5                          | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%a,%b,%c,%D"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%a,%b,%c,%D") | created_at          |
| Wed,May,5,26th                        | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| Wed,May,5,26th                        | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.003 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%a,%b,%c,%D,%e"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%a,%b,%c,%D,%e") | created_at          |
| Wed,May,5,26th,26                        | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| Wed,May,5,26th,26                        | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%i,%e"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%i,%e") | created_at          |
| 32,26                           | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 36,26                           | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%J"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%J") | created_at          |
| J                            | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| J                            | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%j"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%j") | created_at          |
| 146                          | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 146                          | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format("2020-12-31","%j"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format("2020-12-31","%j") | created_at          |
| 366                            | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 366                            | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format("2019-12-31","%j"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format("2019-12-31","%j") | created_at          |
| 365                            | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 365                            | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format("2019-12-31","%M"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format("2019-12-31","%M") | created_at          |
| December                       | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| December                       | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format("2019-12-31","%p"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format("2019-12-31","%p") | created_at          |
| AM                             | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| AM                             | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%p"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%p") | created_at          |
| PM                           | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| PM                           | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format(created_at,"%U"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format(created_at,"%U") | created_at          |
| 21                           | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 21                           | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format("2019-12-31","%U"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format("2019-12-31","%U") | created_at          |
| 52                             | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 52                             | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> select date_format("2019-12-31","%y"),created_at from vlr;
| date_format("2019-12-31","%y") | created_at          |
| 19                             | 2021-05-26 22:32:47 |
| 19                             | 2021-05-26 22:36:01 |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]> SELECT DATE_FORMAT("2021-06-04", " today is %W %D %M %Y week num is %V");
| DATE_FORMAT("2021-06-04", " today is %W %D %M %Y week num is %V") |
|  today is Friday 4th June 2021 week num is 22                     |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [vlrinst]>

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