empno decimal(4,0) NOT NULL,
ename varchar(10) default NULL,
job varchar(9) default NULL,
mgr decimal(4,0) default NULL,
hiredate date default NULL,
sal decimal(7,2) default NULL,
comm decimal(7,2) default NULL,
deptno decimal(2,0) default NULL
deptno decimal(2,0) default NULL,
dname varchar(14) default NULL,
loc varchar(13) default NULL
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7369','SMITH','CLERK','7902','1980-12-17','800.00',NULL,'20');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7499','ALLEN','SALESMAN','7698','1981-02-20','1600.00','300.00','30');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7521','WARD','SALESMAN','7698','1981-02-22','1250.00','500.00','30');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7566','JONES','MANAGER','7839','1981-04-02','2975.00',NULL,'20');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7654','MARTIN','SALESMAN','7698','1981-09-28','1250.00','1400.00','30');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7698','BLAKE','MANAGER','7839','1981-05-01','2850.00',NULL,'30');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7782','CLARK','MANAGER','7839','1981-06-09','2450.00',NULL,'10');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7788','SCOTT','ANALYST','7566','1982-12-09','3000.00',NULL,'20');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7839','KING','PRESIDENT',NULL,'1981-11-17','5000.00',NULL,'10');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7844','TURNER','SALESMAN','7698','1981-09-08','1500.00','0.00','30');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7876','ADAMS','CLERK','7788','1983-01-12','1100.00',NULL,'20');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7900','JAMES','CLERK','7698','1981-12-03','950.00',NULL,'30');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7902','FORD','ANALYST','7566','1981-12-03','3000.00',NULL,'20');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7934','MILLER','CLERK','7782','1982-01-23','1300.00',NULL,'10');
ALL TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition
AND TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND is TRUE
ANY TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition
BETWEEN TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons
EXISTS TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records
IN TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions
LIKE TRUE if the operand matches a pattern
NOT Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE
OR TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE
SOME TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition
not equal to (<>, !=) operator
The SQL LIKE Operator
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE columnN LIKE pattern;
The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column.
There are two wildcards often used in conjunction with the LIKE operator:
The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters
The underscore sign (_) represents one, single character
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a%' Finds any values that start with "a"
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%a' Finds any values that end with "a"
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%or%' Finds any values that have "or" in any position
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '_r%' Finds any values that have "r" in the second position
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a_%' Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 2 characters in length
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a__%' Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 3 characters in length
WHERE ContactName LIKE 'a%o' Finds any values that start with "a" and ends with "o"
Greater Than
Less Than
The SQL BETWEEN Operator
The BETWEEN operator selects values within a given range. The values can be numbers, text, or dates.
The BETWEEN operator is inclusive: begin and end values are included.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;
SELECT * FROM Products
BETWEEN with IN Example
The following SQL statement selects all products with a price between 10 and 20. In addition; do not show products with a CategoryID of 1,2, or 3:
SELECT * FROM Products
AND CategoryID NOT IN (1,2,3);
BETWEEN Text Values Example
SELECT * FROM Products
WHERE ProductName BETWEEN 'Carnarvon Tigers' AND 'Mozzarella di Giovanni'
ORDER BY ProductName;
The following SQL statement selects all products with a ProductName between Carnarvon Tigers and Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning:
SELECT * FROM Products
WHERE ProductName BETWEEN "Carnarvon Tigers" AND "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning"
ORDER BY ProductName;
NOT BETWEEN Text Values Example
The following SQL statement selects all products with a ProductName not between Carnarvon Tigers and Mozzarella di Giovanni:
SELECT * FROM Products
WHERE ProductName NOT BETWEEN 'Carnarvon Tigers' AND 'Mozzarella di Giovanni'
ORDER BY ProductName;
BETWEEN Dates Example
The following SQL statement selects all orders with an OrderDate between '01-July-1996' and '31-July-1996':
WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN #07/01/1996# AND #07/31/1996#;
WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN '1996-07-01' AND '1996-07-31';
Warning: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe: ignoring option
'--no-beep' due to invalid value ''
Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.6.51-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| test |
| vlrinst |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use vlrinst;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE emp (
-> empno decimal(4,0) NOT NULL,
-> ename varchar(10) default NULL,
-> job varchar(9) default NULL,
-> mgr decimal(4,0) default NULL,
-> hiredate date default NULL,
-> sal decimal(7,2) default NULL,
-> comm decimal(7,2) default NULL,
-> deptno decimal(2,0) default NULL
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.23 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE dept (
-> deptno decimal(2,0) default NULL,
-> dname varchar(14) default NULL,
-> loc varchar(13) default NULL
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.27 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7369','SMITH','CLERK','7902','1980-12-17','800.0
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7499','ALLEN','SALESMAN','7698','1981-02-20','16
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7521','WARD','SALESMAN','7698','1981-02-22','125
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7566','JONES','MANAGER','7839','1981-04-02','297
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7654','MARTIN','SALESMAN','7698','1981-09-28','1
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7698','BLAKE','MANAGER','7839','1981-05-01','285
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7782','CLARK','MANAGER','7839','1981-06-09','245
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7788','SCOTT','ANALYST','7566','1982-12-09','300
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7839','KING','PRESIDENT',NULL,'1981-11-17','5000
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7844','TURNER','SALESMAN','7698','1981-09-08','1
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7876','ADAMS','CLERK','7788','1983-01-12','1100.
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7900','JAMES','CLERK','7698','1981-12-03','950.0
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7902','FORD','ANALYST','7566','1981-12-03','3000
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO emp VALUES ('7934','MILLER','CLERK','7782','1982-01-23','1300
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO dept VALUES ('30','SALES','CHICAGO');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_vlrinst |
| dept |
| emp |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job != "clerk";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job <> "clerk";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job = "clerk";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job like "c%";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job like "_a";
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job like "_a%";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job like "s_a%";
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job not like "s__a%";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where job not like "_a%";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 3000;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 2000;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where sal not between 1000 and 2000;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 3000 and deptno not in 20;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '20' a
t line 1
mysql> select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 3000 and deptno not in (20);
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 3000 and deptno not in (20,3
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where ename between "clark" and "miller";
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where ename between "clark" and "miller"
-> order by ename;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where ename not between "clark" and "miller"
-> order by ename;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where hiredate between "1981-01-01" and "1982-03-01"
-> order by ename;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where ename not between "clark" and "miller"
-> order by sal;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7369 | SMITH | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 800.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7876 | ADAMS | CLERK | 7788 | 1983-01-12 | 1100.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7788 | SCOTT | ANALYST | 7566 | 1982-12-09 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from emp where hiredate between "1981-01-01" and "1982-03-01"
-> order by sal;
| empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno |
| 7900 | JAMES | CLERK | 7698 | 1981-12-03 | 950.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7521 | WARD | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30 |
| 7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 | 30 |
| 7934 | MILLER | CLERK | 7782 | 1982-01-23 | 1300.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7844 | TURNER | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-09-08 | 1500.00 | 0.00 | 30 |
| 7499 | ALLEN | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 | 300.00 | 30 |
| 7782 | CLARK | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450.00 | NULL | 10 |
| 7698 | BLAKE | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 2850.00 | NULL | 30 |
| 7566 | JONES | MANAGER | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7902 | FORD | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 | 3000.00 | NULL | 20 |
| 7839 | KING | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 | 5000.00 | NULL | 10 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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