
Thursday, 14 March 2024

How to mask the properties in runtime manager ? in MuleSoft 127

How to mask the properties in runtime manager ? in MuleSoft 

In MuleSoft 4, there are two primary approaches to incorporating functionalities from another project's JAR file:

1. Using Maven Dependency:

  • This is the recommended approach for managing reusable components and libraries.


  1. Ensure the project JAR file is available in a Maven repository:

  • You can publish your project JAR to a private Maven repository like Nexus or a public repository like Maven Central.

  1. Update the pom.xml file of your main project:

  • Add the dependency information for the other project's JAR file. This includes:

  • groupId: The group identifier of the project that published the JAR.

  • artifactId: The artifact identifier (name) of the JAR file.

  • version: The specific version of the JAR you want to use.

Example Dependency:



  • Save the changes to your pom.xml.

2. Manually Adding the JAR to the Classpath (Not Recommended):

  • This approach is not recommended for production environments due to limitations and potential conflicts.


  1. Locate the JAR file of the other project.

  2. In Anypoint Studio:

  • Right-click on your main project.

  • Go to Properties > Mule Runtime > Classpath.

  • Click the "Add JAR/ZIP" button and select the JAR file.

Important Considerations:

  • Using Maven dependencies is the preferred method as it ensures proper version management, dependency resolution, and avoids potential conflicts.

  • Manually adding JARs can lead to issues like missing dependencies, version conflicts, and difficulty in managing updates.

Additional Notes:

  • If the project JAR file is not available in a public repository, you can deploy it to your local Maven repository using the mvn install command.

  • Make sure the JAR you're importing provides the functionalities you require and adheres to compatibility standards with your MuleSoft version.

By following these approaches, you can effectively leverage functionalities from other projects within your MuleSoft 4 application. Remember that utilizing Maven dependencies is the recommended approach for maintainability, reliability, and efficient project management.

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