
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Working with Builders ObjectGraphBuilder in Groovy Scripting groovy training telugu 64

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import groovy.transform.ToString

@ToString(includeNames = true)
class Book{
    String title
    String summary
    List<Section> sections =[]

@ToString(includeNames = true)
class Section{
    String title
    List<Chapter> chapters =[]
@ToString(includeNames = true)
class Chapter{
    String title

//Java Style
/*public Book createBook(){
    Book b=new Book();
    b.setTitle("My Book")
    b.setSummary("My Summary")

    Section s =new Section();
    s.setTitle("Section 1")

    Chapter c1=new Chapter();
    c1.setTitle("Chapter 1");
    Chapter c2=new Chapter();
    c2.setTitle("Chapter 2");


    return book;

ObjectGraphBuilder builder= new ObjectGraphBuilder()
def book=
    title:"Groovy is Action ",
    summary:"Groovy is  section "){
    section(title:"Section 1"){
        chapter(title:"Chapter 1")
        chapter(title:"Chapter 2")
        chapter(title:"Chapter 3")

    section(title:"Section 2"){
        chapter(title:"Chapter 4")
        chapter(title:"Chapter 5")
        chapter(title:"Chapter 6")

println book

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