
Wednesday, 24 January 2024

How do you perform asynchronous operations?165

 How do you perform asynchronous operations?

Asynchronous operations in Vuex aren't handled directly by mutations, which are synchronous and focused on state updates. Instead, there are two key approaches for performing asynchronous tasks in your Vuex application:

1. Actions:

  • Actions are asynchronous functions responsible for handling complex logic, often including API calls, side effects, and potentially triggering multiple mutations in sequence.

  • They receive the store context as an argument, providing access to methods like commit to dispatch mutations after processing is complete.

  • You can dispatch actions from components using the store.dispatch method, passing the action type and any optional payload containing relevant data:



  • Within the action, perform any asynchronous tasks like API calls, data processing, or validation.

  • Once completed, commit the relevant mutations using commit based on the processed data or results.

2. Thunks:

  • Thunks are middleware functions that can intercept actions and dispatch them with additional logic or modifications.

  • They are often used for complex asynchronous operations involving multiple actions, error handling, or side effects.

  • By wrapping an action in a thunk, you can add pre-processing steps before dispatching and post-processing after the action completes.


  • Actions: Simpler approach for basic asynchronous operations involving API calls and triggering mutations.

  • Thunks: More powerful and flexible for complex scenarios requiring additional logic, interception, or error handling.

Best Practices:

  • Always perform asynchronous operations within actions or thunks, not directly in components.

  • Keep mutations pure and focused on state updates, triggered by actions or thunks.

  • Use actions for straightforward asynchronous tasks involving API calls and mutations.

  • Consider thunks for complex scenarios requiring pre-processing, interception, or error handling.

Here's an example demonstrating the workflow:



export default {
  methods: {
    loadProducts() {



export default {
  fetchProducts({ commit }) {
    // Make an asynchronous API call
      .then(response => {
      .catch(error => {
        // Handle error and dispatch relevant mutation
        commit('setError', error.message);



mutations: {
  setProducts(state, products) {
    state.products = products;
  setError(state, error) {
    state.error = error;

By following these practices and understanding the strengths of each approach, you can effectively handle asynchronous operations within your Vuex application and maintain a controlled and predictable state management system.

Feel free to ask if you have further questions about specific asynchronous tasks, implementing thunks, or best practices for managing side effects!

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