
Sunday, 19 November 2023

What is vue router and their features in Vuejs explain with example


Vue Router is the official routing library for Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework for building single-page applications (SPAs). It enables seamless navigation between different components and pages within an SPA, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience.

Key features of Vue Router include:

  1. Nested Routing: Organize routes into a hierarchical structure, allowing for complex navigation patterns and deeper application layouts.

  2. Dynamic Routing: Capture and handle dynamic segments in URLs, enabling data-driven routing and the creation of personalized user experiences.

  3. Component-Based Configuration: Map each route to a specific Vue component, ensuring clear separation of concerns and modular application development.

  4. History Modes: Choose between HTML5 history mode or hash mode, depending on server configuration and SEO requirements.

  5. Route Transition Effects: Leverage Vue's transition system to create smooth and visually appealing animations between page transitions.

  6. Fine-grained Navigation Control: Intercept navigation events and modify routing behavior based on specific conditions or user actions.

  7. Links with Automatic Active CSS Classes: Style navigation links dynamically based on the current route, enhancing user interface clarity and interactivity.

  8. URL Encoding: Handle Unicode characters and other special characters correctly in URLs, ensuring cross-browser compatibility and seamless navigation.

To illustrate Vue Router's usage, consider a simple example of a blogging application with routes for the home page, blog posts, and individual post details:


const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      component: Home,
      path: '/posts',
      component: PostsList,
      path: '/posts/:id',
      component: PostDetails,
      props: true,

In this example, the Home, PostsList, and PostDetails components are mapped to the respective routes. The :id placeholder in the /posts/:id route captures the post identifier, allowing for dynamic routing to individual post details.

Vue Router's features and flexibility make it an essential tool for building robust and user-friendly SPAs with Vue.js. Its intuitive syntax and powerful capabilities streamline navigation and enhance the overall user experience.

Sure, here are some potential interview questions and answers for the above prompt:

Q: What is Vue Router and what are its key features?

A: Vue Router is the official routing library for Vue.js. It allows you to define routes for your application and manage navigation between different components. Some of its key features include nested routing, dynamic routing, component-based configuration, history modes, route transition effects, fine-grained navigation control, links with automatic active CSS classes, and URL encoding.

Q: Can you explain the difference between HTML5 history mode and hash mode in Vue Router?

A: HTML5 history mode uses the browser's history API to store and manipulate the URL without reloading the entire page. This provides a more seamless and user-friendly experience. Hash mode, on the other hand, appends a hash fragment to the URL, allowing for bookmarkable links and better SEO compatibility.

Q: How can I define dynamic routes in Vue Router?

A: Dynamic routes use placeholders in the route path to capture URL parameters. For example, the route /posts/:id would match any URL that starts with /posts/ followed by an ID. The captured ID can then be accessed as a prop in the corresponding component.

Q: How can I configure route transitions in Vue Router?

A: Vue Router provides a built-in transition system that allows you to animate transitions between components. You can use CSS transitions or create custom transitions using JavaScript.

Q: How can I intercept navigation events and modify routing behavior in Vue Router?

A: Vue Router provides navigation guards that allow you to intercept navigation events and perform actions before or after a navigation occurs. You can use navigation guards to redirect users, perform authentication checks, or modify route parameters.

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